a couple of questions for liberals


Well-Known Member
Really? In my life time I have belonged to Baker's & Confectionairs Union AFL-CIO (Worked at Orowheat Bakery in Monebello Ca), Paper & Printing Specialties Union AFL-CIO (Mission Paper in Alhambra Ca), Teamster's Union (Hauling Pool Chemicals out of City of Industry Ca), United Auto Worker's Union (Worked at the GM Plant in South Gate Ca before they closed) and the Carpenter's Union AFL-CIO (I also framed Houses in California before the Illegals crushed the union there).
To be honest, I made more money in non union shops.
Neither one really did nothing for me except take my money.
I should either be required to pay taxes or pay union dues, not both.
So did you make 75$ hour at GM dank, that bogus figure as been thrown around by conservatives for the past few weeks?


New Member
So did you make 75$ hour at GM dank, that bogus figure as been thrown around by conservatives for the past few weeks?
That figure includes all benefits ... and its what is causing the American auto makers to be noncompetitive.



New Member
That figure includes all benefits ... and its what is causing the American auto makers to be noncompetitive.

it might be because the foreign automakers have not been here long enough to have a bunch of retired workers...:neutral:


New Member
I find it amusing that one who made his living at union jobs for the most part of his life would have such a bad view of unions (Dankster). Most unions I worked for never charged more than one hours wages for dues per month, (1.5 at most) never came to the job and gave orders, or harassed the workers, Held a meeting once a month at the hall, not mandatory to attend, and provided security by enforcing seniority rules. The only people that I ever knew that didn't like the union were non-union scabs, management, and people that thought an hr.s pay a month was too much, cheapskates. Maybe I'm missing something here. Were there asshole union reps? Maybe, probably, but there are assholes everywhere, you just have to put them on ignore.


Well-Known Member
where did u find that stat that someone makes 19 an hour as a cashier at albertsons?
thats one of the dumbest numbers ive ever heard, there is an acme in my neighborhood(owned by albertsons) ill tell u that alot of my friends from high school worked there and never touched anything near 19 an hour, try 7 an hour, 19 is FAR FETCHED. one of my friends still works there after about 12 years and hes making like $14. yeah hes in a union and gets full benefits, but he deserves it after all this time. why doesnt he? because hes not a ceo or a banker or in management? thats a fuckin stupid answer


New Member
where did u find that stat that someone makes 19 an hour as a cashier at albertsons?
thats one of the dumbest numbers ive ever heard, there is an acme in my neighborhood(owned by albertsons) ill tell u that alot of my friends from high school worked there and never touched anything near 19 an hour, try 7 an hour, 19 is FAR FETCHED. one of my friends still works there after about 12 years and hes making like $14. yeah hes in a union and gets full benefits, but he deserves it after all this time. why doesnt he? because hes not a ceo or a banker or in management? thats a fuckin stupid answer
Well, I agree with most of what you've said, but actually, in some states, Ca. Nv. I know about, A long time union cashier can make up to 22.00 an hr (Head cashier) almost a management position, BTW they don't call them cashiers, they're called Checkers. 7.00 is the non-union wage paid by Wal-mart and other non-union corps. I'll bet Acme is the non-union shop for Albertsons. Have you ever watched a good checker at work, they work their asses off. The stores are too cheap to hire enough checkers so there are long lines and these poor checkers don't get breaks unless they are union. Union checkers get breaks, non-union checkers are only allowed to go to the bathroom and eat lunch. Now Management sits on their fat lazy asses and looks out the mirrored windows to watch that no checkers are fucking off. Have you ever noticed how managers have big fat asses? Although but a couple a times when I totally lost it, I never had to straighten out some errant manager, but there were a lot of dufuses, that's for sure. And yeah, I've owned my own businesses, been the "boss", ran large construction projects, Superintendent, and had to deal with all types of people. I led by example, not, do as I say, not as I do, the general mantra of managers.


Well-Known Member
So did you make 75$ hour at GM dank, that bogus figure as been thrown around by conservatives for the past few weeks?
Nope, I didn't and even with the benefits it really doen't amount to no $75.00 an hour. If anyone thinks differently let's see their figures. Otherwise they are talkin out their ass.
I still do not think joining a union should be a requirement to work. It's extortion.


New Member
I find it amusing that one who made his living at union jobs for the most part of his life would have such a bad view of unions (Dankster). Most unions I worked for never charged more than one hours wages for dues per month, (1.5 at most) never came to the job and gave orders, or harassed the workers, Held a meeting once a month at the hall, not mandatory to attend, and provided security by enforcing seniority rules. The only people that I ever knew that didn't like the union were non-union scabs, management, and people that thought an hr.s pay a month was too much, cheapskates. Maybe I'm missing something here. Were there asshole union reps? Maybe, probably, but there are assholes everywhere, you just have to put them on ignore.
yep that's the it was in my union years...
we were digging trenches for sewer pipe once and when the ditch gets deeper than 7 feet you have to take safety orecautions. we were at 14 feet deep and also they were blasting in the area. the owner of the contruction company refused to do anything, so we went to the our union rep and he threaten to pull everyone off the job...saftey shit was put in place...and they had to stop blasting while the guys were in the ditch.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on this 19$ cashier job.........19$ my ass. I guaranty you no cashier is making 19$ hour..........Where did this figure come from? out of somebodies ass?
albertsons and vons here locally. im a few hours north of Los Angeles,CA. I gaurantee you its NOT bullshit. And they wanted benefits.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah man its the single mothers fault that she is in a shitty situation?

i hope you knock some bitch up so you see how it feels..

ill sit here and laugh and say oh its your fault you cant support your family
Yes it is her fault for either not using birth control or for having sex in the first place. It is also the mans fault for the same reasons.
i chose intelligently to use birth control(condoms) and get married so that i cant just knock some bitch up thank you very much asshole :D


Well-Known Member
Are you a mother raising a couple of kids? If not, maybe you should worry about your own situation. Where did I say a Dr. should make the same as a "cashier"?? Communist no, liberal yes. and no they aren't the same, as I know you believe. I'd like to know what made you educated fools so self righteous. Some people get dealt a harder hand, maybe you know nothing about this. Not everyone comes programed to go to college/graduate school and become some high paid idiot. I give Kudos to Dr.s, But lawyers are scum, CEOs are scum, Politicians (well most) are scum, a lot of the overpaid idiots running this insane asylum are nothing but scum, greedy pricks with one thing on their mind, how to make more money at any cost. Capitalism in general sucks. It rewards the wealthy and punishes the poor. The workers in this society need more recognition and more pay.
after having read 40-50 of your posts i have decided you are a communist ;)
lol, i love how you keep saying i know nothing about hardships, how many times do i have to say my dad never graduated high school and works at wal-mart in the deli for 8 bucks an hour and my mom delivers pizza and yet i got a job at UPS which paid $2000 a semester for my school. you obviously dont read any posts i make or anyone with any sense and you just spout off crap that you "believe" well i "believe" you as well as most liberals are brainwashed and cant think for themselves :p


Well-Known Member
thumbs up to whatever commie negative repped me because they got the kind of tongue lashing in public it made them look like a retarded monkey :D
to anyone else i may have called a commie in the past i dont think any less of you now then i did before :D


Well-Known Member
1. do you support affirmative action?
2. do you support unions?

if you answered yes to both then you are confused at best and idiots at worst.

unions support moving up in the company through seniority.
affirmative action supports moving up in the company through racial quotas.
do you not see how illogical it is to support both?
they have different goals.

any way, there is no reason to flame me, how about for once just answering the question.
the main reason the auto exec's are in washington is for the unions..the dems want to bail out the unions...as soon as the auto companys file bankruptcy..the UNIONS will be broke..no more medical bennies from the car maker..no more retirements ..millions will lose their jobs...if they cant compete they should lose their jobs..the reason the big three are broke is because of the unions looting them....no way..even if congress gives the big three a hundred billion dollars can they survive with the union leech's hanging on their ass's,,what even funnier is democrats past almost all of these free trade agreements and allowed all this illegal imagration that has helped bankrupt themselfs...i for the life of me cant figure out why the unions support democrats? liberals have to be the dumbest people on the planet earth..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
there are very few if any who make 60$ an hour, another bogus stat that been thrown around this past few weeks, and picked up by every charlatan on T.V and radio
i was in a union...the union members were making 28 dollars a hour..with another 15 dollars a hour in bennies....plus company take home vehicles there is another 4 to 6 bucks a hour the company pays out....not to include SS and every other admin cost that is added to doing bussiness....you people dont have a clue what the free market is or competition do you?..YOU SEE IF YOU OWN A COMPANY YOU COMPETE WITH OTHER COMPANYS....THE ONE THAT PROVIDES THE CUSTOMER WITH THE BEST PRODUCT CHEAPEST GET TO WORK..the other slob goes broke..if your paying some jack ass 60 bucks a hour to do the work another man does for 25 bucks a hour..who do you think gets the job>?if you have every country in the world charging 11% capital gains and obama is talking about raising our capital gainst to 30% ..who do you think is going to have all the money? not the USA..damn ..people in here think..oh the company is going to fuck us over..yea..just like gas tax..and obama talking about taxing the hell out of oil companys and give you idiots a rebate check...the oil company has something called share holders..for those of you that dont understand this..those share holder's expect a rate of return on their investment...so when obama gives you thousand dollar check..and you go to the gas pump and pay a higher price..im sure a bunch of you idiots will be saying.the oil company is riping me off..noooo you fucking moron..you just got ripped off by the government again...that thousand dollar check they gave you..is going to come right back out of your pocket..and then some.in the form of higher gas prices..see companys pay no tax..YOU DO YOU FUCKING IDIOTS..they just add the tax they pay to the price of their product...you stupid union sheep better get ready to starve..ass clowns...and you are going to blame bush..ect ect ect..the only one at fault is who you stare at in the mirror every morning..RETARDS...:blsmoke: