a few more qustions


Active Member
hey all thanks for all your help so far but iv got a few more qustions.....
1#how much fresh air would 2 plants need in my closet 60cm/45cm/160cm and would this space be big enugh for 2 plants?
2#iv got a gro lux light placed 8cm from the top of the tallest plant witch is only 10cm tall.my qustion is this 2 close?
3#im useing osmocote in the soil should i put ferts in and risk burning the roots or just leave it?

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
First off we Americans hate the metric system. So can you give it to us in american measurments. Lol, sorry I hate the metric system, maybe not all americans hate it, but I do. Metric was taught here in the USA long after I graduated from high school. Guess that should show my age.

1. All the fresh air you can get in there! Well not so much that you have hurrican conditions.

2. Yes it would be big enough only if you do the SOG system of growing.

3. Grow Lux Lights - Do they get very hot? I keep my lighting (T-5) about 3" from the top of my plants.

4. Osmocote- You must be from Canada (lol). I hate that stuff, but that's me! Start off with light nutes and work your way up from there. The plants are the first to let you know if you over done it. If you do over fert. then flush with plain water for a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
When starting your fertilizer begin at 1/4 strength and slowly work your way up to 1/2.


Well-Known Member
vote his measurements are 2'x1 1/2'x5'. his temp is 78 degrees. his light is 3 inches above his trees. his tallest plant is only 4" tall.

franky, are you pHing your water?


Well-Known Member
easiest way to do what major said was buy distilled water in a jug, personally I chose spring but it is all good. take the cap off, put it back on then shake the shit out of it before you pour the water on the plants. you take the lid off to replace the stagnate air that is in the jug.


You have used Osmocote which is a bad idea. If the balls are already mixed in your soil it's too late unless you can transplant around it, my ladies have survived well with this but not without problems. the problem is that it's slow release, and cannabis wants to eat more, but then you have to be extra careful with your ferts when you add them later - and your plants as seedings might even show signs of burn because they arent ready for the osmocote. Don't freak out about every little problem you face with them in the osmocote. i had lots of discolor and wierd burns and deficientcies, it all went away when they grew up bigger, just remember to be careful when you do add ferts - you may not even be able to go past 1/4th. as Vote says - watch your plants carefully and they will let you know.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
vote his measurements are 2'x1 1/2'x5'. his temp is 78 degrees. his light is 3 inches above his trees. his tallest plant is only 4" tall.

franky, are you pHing your water?
Thanks, that is a big help! Just to old to learn more math!

No disrespect towards Canadians, but I have talked to a lot of Canadians who use that stuff!

Also I think rain water has a high pH level, but don't hold me to that because I never tested rain water.


Active Member

At the expense of opening up an old forum, prior to reading well, pretty much anything i planted 3 ladies about 4-6 weeks ago (can't remember the date, damn wacky). I used a basic potting mix, little bit of lime and scott's osmcocote. They are around 40cm (1.31233596 feet).

They were absolutly loving life early on until the last week or so they've started experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned previously (spots, brown tips on leaves, and yellow leaves). It's not too bad atm but i need to bend them soon as they are in my suburban back yard.

Long winded but on with the questions

Is there anything i can do to help the plants out? can it be flushed out? etc

Will they be fine to bend, carefully of course?


comments would be appreciated


Sounds like nute burn, you used ocmocote a slow release fert and they do not like it very much, i had problems with this earlier, you cant flush it. it's in the soil now, forever. unless it consumes your whole plant, they can recover. did you add nutes? adding nutes with osmocote can burn them easy.


Active Member
na i didn't add any. I checked the ocmocote pack and its the long lasting type, said re-add every 8 months for normal useage.
hopefully they'll recover of thier own accord then by the sounds of things.

thanks mate