A Florida outdoor grow NoOb needs help!


Active Member
I know this is not the best time to begin a grow op, but I am running out of money and bud. My place of work just went out of business and all my cash is going towards books for this semester. Both my bank account and my bowl is very lonely..

With that being said, I have grown impatient.

Last night I started germinating two of my Fem'd Barney's Farm Blue Cheese seeds, they have sprouted. I will move them into soil tomorrow. I know my harvest won't be great, but it will be something, and it will be fun.

I have a few questions, I am on a budget of zero dollars. lolz. I have a soil mix..

is there any household, daily items I can add to the mixture in order for the plant to receive it's necessary nutrients?

The N-P-K in the fertilizer at my house is fairly low. I will not meet the nitrogen requirements from that alone. What would help? Coffee grounds? Egg Shells?


Damn dude looks like your out of luck. I'm a Florida noob to and I'm low on cash and still living under my parents roof. I'm still in High school though. Anyways I have like 30 dollars and I looked up a cheap and easy method for growing. But I cannot answer many questions about this method because I am still learning about it. Anyways this is what you need, A bucket the size between 1-5 gallons. By the way I found one laying around my house. Maybe you will to. Some perlite I bought 3 bags of the miracle grow brand that cost about 11$ today. Some vermiculite and hydro nutrients. This method is called the hempy bucket and i will make a thread about it shortly. You need to fill the bucket with 75% perl and 25% verm. then just put your seedling in it. Also you need to drill a hole about the size of a pencil 2 inches from the bottom of the bucket for drainage. And all you do is water and add nutes every week or 2 im not sure. its really easy and cheap if you got these materials then i suggest doing this method because its efficent.