a fungus among us......


New Member
so i went to feed my special girl tonite and to my suprise i find a bunch o' fungus gnats dartin around ma soil. thats shitty i know rite. so i have sticky traps and they dont work so well layin on the soil. so i looked around and found ORGANOCIDE. has anyone ever heard/used this?

heres a link to lowes where its sold http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=240750-1321-100-021&lpage=none

heres a link to the company site

there is a link to the label under organocide name. any help/input would be greatly appericiated.


Well-Known Member
not familiar with fungus gnats though I'm kinda curious what they look like now ... report back if the product worked for you; others might like to know about it if it works for you - good luck