A Gnat curiosity


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a question where do gnats really come from? I know mostly from infected house plants or soil but let’s say I have a room and never had gnats but it does have drafts do they come from outside. My cousin is dealing with this and I’m trying to help him. I myself am now worried to bring them home haha and we found his toilet wax seal broke and there was a gap he said he saw a gnat there in his bathroom. I just find it hard to believe a gnat will just appear out of thin air they have to come from somewhere but the question is where? Outside? Or do they just randomly pop up in soil because of moisture I can’t find the answer anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Damn so basically if I leave my door open I could get a gnat. Hmm that’s why people seal there grows I leave the door open so fresh sore comes in. So I might have to seal my windows close the door add an fresh air intake vent. Damn lol this little fckers lol


Well-Known Member
The flying gnats are just bothersome . It's the larva in the soil that are the problem .
When those lil bastards start sticking to finished flowers tho....not much can be done after that happens. Above ground or below these things suck either way! I've had bud come out looking like it was rolled in ground pepper due to these guys lol, HATE EM!!!