A Guerilla in Bama needing help.


Active Member
Hey outdoor RIUppers,

I was surveying the pastures behind my house today to look for decent spots to grow a few outdoor plants. I've only grown indoors and I'm still pretty new to growing. I was wondering if any of you would like to help me expand my horizons and start an outdoor grow.

Some questions I'm asking myself

1. What is the most hardy, resilient strain a newb outdoor grower should attempt first?

2. Do you still harvest autoflowers in November, or do they finish a few months from seed still?

3. Do you water outdoor plants just as often as indoor plants?

If anyone can help me with these questions it would definitely help me get started on the planning, thanks!


Well-Known Member
1. What is the most hardy, resilient strain a newb outdoor grower should attempt first?
2. Do you still harvest autoflowers in November, or do they finish a few months from seed still?
3. Do you water outdoor plants just as often as indoor plants?
#1 that far South you could grow whatever you want.
#2 auto will finish the same time out doors as in maybe sooner so you could do multiple crops in one year.
#3 yeah you water as much as they need, the weather will dictate that. In ground will go much longer than in containers.
Anyways here's a good tough plant for your consideration: