a laughing high feels so good


Active Member
I haven't had a real laughing high in a long while. Usually I just get really relaxed or things seem more interesting. Yesterday though, I went to see the movie "A Serious Man" with a friend of mine. I took like 5 hits of some high quality Purple Kush. I thought the movie was horrible. It was boring and pointless, but because it was so bad I just kept laughing at how bad it was. I laughed almost the entire first hour.


Sometimes after I smoke when I watch a movie, it seems like the movie is way lower-budget than when I was sober. I'll notice mistakes or hidden meanings. I feel all detective when I blaze and watch movies.


Active Member
I haven't had a real laughing high in a long while. Usually I just get really relaxed or things seem more interesting. Yesterday though, I went to see the movie "A Serious Man" with a friend of mine. I took like 5 hits of some high quality Purple Kush. I thought the movie was horrible. It was boring and pointless, but because it was so bad I just kept laughing at how bad it was. I laughed almost the entire first hour.
im right here with you. im the exact way ONCE IN A WHILE


Active Member
mani just hit some domina and watched talladega nights,,, i am cryin and my sides hurt.. i love it,, good giggly weed...


Well-Known Member
i laugh till it hurts watching cheech and chong when i'am stoned
there's nothing better than a good laugh when stoned.


Well-Known Member
hell ya you gotta love those laughing highs, that make you forget about everything :) ..are laughing highs caused by both indica and sativas or does one induce laughter more than the other?


Active Member
hell ya you gotta love those laughing highs, that make you forget about everything :) ..are laughing highs caused by both indica and sativas or does one induce laughter more than the other?
Indica plants have a higher CBD (Cannabinoid) content to THC ratio. It induces a more relaxed mood. This is a treatment for anxiety, pain, and tremors, amongst other applications. Indica is also commonly used to induce appetite.

Sativa plants have less chlorophyll than its counterpart, Indica. It has a higher THC content to CBD Ratio. Sativa offers a much more energetic effect, and is commonly used to alleviate depression. Can be effective for conditions related to the nervous system as well.

I think its just your mood/enviroment but if i were to choose one that give you the laugh i would say SATIVA


<b>HYSTERICAL laughter effect


I would like to ask for help!
I have the best fun, social and looking for variety!I would like to smoke with my friends a very Joyful
during conversation.

These seeds are a good choice? Ti buy what?
more variation ?
Cannadential-DNA ?
Chocolope- DNA ?
Red Dragon-Barneys Farm?
Ice cool-Sweet Seeds?
O.G. KUSH-Reserva Privada?
