A limit to potency of any particular butter mix?


Well-Known Member
So I pretty much know how to bond the canabinoids with fat's through cooking. Next time I'll be using the crock pot for a slow 1-4 hrs or on high 2 hours. was planning on making like one stick of butter in the water to bond with, but it got me thinking, why use just an oz or whatever? Why not use EVERYTHING from crop into ONE stick. So say i get 1/4-1/2 pound of "BUD" , and all the shake from the plants, in that shit... Will it be some extremely powerful stuff, or will i be wasting? I planned on putting in fridge, scrapping the butter off the top, making it hard again, and try to put tiny but POWERFUL hits of butter into gel caps i can take on the go. Is there a limit to how many molecules you can bond to the fat? If so, I would assume i would be very wasteful.

Any info / experience trying this?


Well-Known Member
Yes obviously there is a limit..
I'll start with something constant and predictable..95% ethanol, everclear will hold 27.4 mg per ml...now that's thc, not hash oil which is a mixture/solution of terpines esters alcohols waxes fats etc with differing polarities and solubility....
Butter differs in fat content but I would expect 15 mg per ml.....
Now if its decarbed it doesn't matter so much if supersaturated..it doesn't have to be attached to fat or anything..though that will ease its absorption..but then you should use coconut oil