a little gift from my son


Sector 5 Moderator
I was waiting by the phone last night for a guy to call me about a grow light system. My son came in and whispered "I put a little something by the computer for you." I went into his room (where the computer is) and I smelled the sweet skunky fragrance as soon as I opened the door. He left me two little buds on a note marked A and B with a smiley face with slits for eyes. I blazed part of one of them last night and it was very nice and just finished blazing part of the other one. I've got a son and a daughter and I've smoked with both of them. :peace:

Wow, 3 hits off the "B" and it's great.


Well-Known Member
i love smoking with my dad, its so chill. and we already have a great relationship, but when we smoke it just gets better


Sector 5 Moderator
When I did my grow last year, we moved as soon as my harvest was in, dried and cured. My wife has a Food Saver vac and seal machine and I sealed up about 2-3 oz for my son and about 5-6 oz for my daughter and her husband. I included the best and biggest buds from Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze, Nirvana's Hindu Kush, Master Kush, Bubba Kush, a nameless p.o.s. seed company's Orange Candy Floss and "Mini Thunderfuck" (no way in hell), and a friend that lives in Hawaii sent me a couple of hundred Maui Wowi seeds (for 10 years he was the biggest grower in the state).


Well-Known Member
wow, i wish my dad did that for me. but weed is just an aide in our bonding, we can talk for hours and hours without it


Well-Known Member
I was waiting by the phone last night for a guy to call me about a grow light system. My son came in and whispered "I put a little something by the computer for you." I went into his room (where the computer is) and I smelled the sweet skunky fragrance as soon as I opened the door. He left me two little buds on a note marked A and B with a smiley face with slits for eyes. I blazed part of one of them last night and it was very nice and just finished blazing part of the other one. I've got a son and a daughter and I've smoked with both of them. :peace:

Wow, 3 hits off the "B" and it's great.
I hope when my daughter grows up she's that kind of child ;)

I do plan on breeding a pink flowered pheno of bubble gum mixed with the fastest AK pheno I get and stabilizing it so I can name it after her :D


Active Member
Man.....I wish I could have that kind of relationship with any of my family.. They are all religious nuts and think I'm going to hell =)


Pickle Queen
Every 5 yrs we have a family reunion, 3 generations smoking one joint is always a good time!!


Sector 5 Moderator
Man.....I wish I could have that kind of relationship with any of my family.. They are all religious nuts and think I'm going to hell =)
Did not God create cannabis? Did he not pronounce it all "good"? Not only is cannabis Kosher, it was one of the ingredients in the Holy anointing oil prescribed in Leviticus. It's mentioned about 5 times in the Bible. Where did "Jesus" (Hebrew name Yeshua) do his first miracle? Cana. Why was the town's name Cana? Because they grew cannabis there. This plant is unique in all of nature; not one other plant even close. It is the only plant to show outward signs of sex. It is *THE* most benign substance on the planet. Even aspirin kills over 100 people a year but cannabis has never, in thousands of years, killed a single person and science says it is not even possible for a human to ingest enough to kill them. Smoking it does NOT lead to cancer; it KILLS cancer cells. It does not cause brain damage; it actually PROTECTS the brain from closed head injury and heals damaged brain and nerve tissue, something that medical science thought was impossible to heal. There is a laundry list of things that it either cures or helps tremendously, some things, such as firbromyalgia, that have no cure and nothing much to even help ease the pain. This plant is a gift from God. Learn your facts and ask who they believe, the government or God. It is a well established fact that the government made it illegal solely for the profit of the DuPont family. Their son-in-law, Harry Anslinger, got it outlawed by renaming it "marijuana". Congress did not know what "marijuana" was but because Anslinger made such an appeal and raved about how evil it was, they passed it. Even the American Medical Association was furious when they found out they had been duped by the old switheroo. They had been using cannabis and cannabis extract ever since the pilgrims landed here. It was our most important medicine and still is in Chinese medicine. The whole foundation of why this beautiful, unique plant is illegal is rotten from the core. You can also tell them that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew it and not only encouraged others to grow it, they actually passed a law mandating it to be grown by every available person. Washington's uniforms were made out of hemp fiber; the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper; the flag that Betsy Ross made was made from hemp. I could go on and one but you get the point. Cannabis should be the LAST plant on earth to have been made illegal. Big pharma would lose their shirts if this plant were to be made readily available.


Well-Known Member
I smoke with mah bro but the closest i've came to tokein with the dad was him and his brothers smoking a blunt on the 4th :P I would have definitely got in on that if i didnt have prior obligationis to attend to:P


Active Member
Man PotPimp you want to adopt another chid?..jk I have brought all of that to their attention on several occasions.....Like talking to a brick wall.


Active Member
Man PotPimp you want to adopt another chid?..jk I have brought all of that to their attention on several occasions.....Like talking to a brick wall.
Was thinking the very same thing :)

To be reborn in a house with a plentiful supply of PPP and Iranian G13?? I'd think I had died and gone to heaven! har har

At the time we started smoking again in the 90s because of my ex's migraines, our kids were in HS. We didn't tell them and had to sneak around. Found out later they were doing the same thing!! Lol!

I hated keeping it a secret from them but if it got out among the community, we both would have lost our jobs. (No I am not a minister :)) And even the best kids have a hard time keeping secrets. I am jealous of the parents who are able to be open about this.

Now in their 30's they have 'outgrown it' and are mildly disapproving of my excessive use.

Absurd from start to finish :)


Sector 5 Moderator
Man PotPimp you want to adopt another chid?..jk I have brought all of that to their attention on several occasions.....Like talking to a brick wall.
I know what you mean man. When Ghandi was asked what he liked most and least about Christianity, he said what he liked most about it was Jesus; what he liked least about it was Christians. 'nuff said. :) You can't confuse a person with the truth if their mind is made up to believe lies.


Well-Known Member
potpimp you ever find out what kind of buds were A and B? were they buds you had grown or some stuff he grew or picked up himself?


Well-Known Member
My whole family except my grandparents smoke, they know they'll get some of it so I can just grow whatever :P


Well-Known Member
I enjoy all these family smoke stories! When I was in highschool early on my parents were always bustin me tellin me its bad. Shit I got caught at school and even got sent to an out patient "recovery" for smoking weed lol! Then my uncle was like "you know your parents used to smoke right?" So I called em out for being hypocrites and they were all "...ya we did smoke".

Later on in highscool I chiefed with my dad all the time, me and my friends would even break him offf with free nugs all the time. I got my mom to hit a blunt 1 time (back when blunts were cool...eeew gross, right!) Now my dad body builds and only smokes if he's havin trouble sleeping.

Funny shit.


Active Member
My fam used to be a bit like that, Was a bit in trouble when i got caught with seeds hidden in my roomand ,was more of a bit stereotypical, once I became independent, I started educating them on its values and facts, there understanding abt it! :)


Sector 5 Moderator
potpimp you ever find out what kind of buds were A and B? were they buds you had grown or some stuff he grew or picked up himself?
I'm not sure where he got it, probably the bar he frequents. I was told by someone in the know that Anchorage has a LOT of skunk #1 x northern lights #5; that's probably what one of them are. I'm introducing my wife to green dragon tomorrow. She's got a stomach problem and wants to try it. I've had a quarter oz sitting in 151 rum for a month, been shaking it every day. I'm going to test it out tonight to try and guess a good dosage for her tomorrow. I made some when we lived back east and her elbow had been hurting for several months, relentlessly. She wanted to try rubbing it on her elbow. I honestly didn't think it would work; I thought it would just be a waste but it killed the pain within 30 minutes and it never came back. That made a huge impression on her. A couple of weeks ago my lower back muscles went into spasm (didn't know what it was at the time) and I was so miserable I couldn't even sleep; couldn't get into any comfortable position. She gave me Tylenol, Motrin, Doans Pills and sports creams and nothing worked. I told her "I know what will work" so I got my stuff and smoked a bowl and the pain was totally gone within 5 minutes.

PeyoteReligion, I don't think it's a matter of being hypocrites. Back in the day we were told a bunch of lies such as it causes 4x the amount of brain cancer and lung cancer. We were told that it made your junk shrivel up and it would lower your sperm count and you would not be able to father children. We were told that it caused permanent memory loss and brain damage. All sorts of lies and a lot of people bought into it because there was no research being done. Then when other countries started getting the results from their research back and published it and we had the internet, the cat was out of the bag and could not be put back in. Knowledge is power. So now we see that cannabis is actually very good for you; it does not cause fish children or other wild stories. Most former smokers still hang onto some of the "it's gotta be bad for you" ideas, even though they may not have a particular area they think it's bad in. I was pretty ignorant about it until my brother got cancer and I started doing some research myself. I had no idea it was actually GOOD for you; I just did it because I loved getting high. The truth will set you free.