A little thing that bothers me about alot of growers on Youtube... Or any grower...

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
i looked at your youtube buddies.. a few of the ones you label as good. not so good. with that, its end of discussion. not throwing rocks with a troll.
Would you like if this greasy lump of trash would grow LBS of weed, and just run his filthy hands through them through the entire video, and feel good about it that he's basically just showing off and basically just doing that unsanitary shit because of the "haters on youtube"..... So he's basically saying "screw you, I'll do what I want with it, AND IM STILL GONNA MAKE THE SAME MONEY OFF OF IT AS I HADNT"...... But guess what?.... That dude needs to grow up!... It's not the people buying his weed's fault that youtubers are hating on him... They dont deserve this junk, and he doesnt deserve getting paid, and the more people know about his antics the better......... So as far as him, I have no problem throwing his name around.... He's trash, and just shows his lifestyle.... dude is a pig....


Seriously.... Watch this video without having that urge of just smacking the dude behind the head...... and tell me im wrong in thinking that way

Man, you write more than me. Ok, I'm not sure if you have ever worked in the cannabis industry...but everyone touches their weed the same way he did in that video. Hardly anyone wears gloves. Yes, it was kind of annoying watching someone do that on video. If you don't like it, you turn it off.

As for him and how he treats the paients and yadayada whatever other BS you are blapping about...the guy is a business man. He will tell you himself. He didn't get in the game for the people. He got in the game for the money. It's big business out in Cali. The crap that you write just shows your ignorance about the medical marijauna game. The growers touch the weed, the trim crews touch the weed, the collectives touch the weed, and finally the patients touch the weed. I'm running my hands through my herb right now. Every grower on YouTube and around the world does it the same way. The difference is that sublbc is painfully honest. He doesn't edit his videos to make him seem like some great person. He just tells it like it is. Sometimes it makes him look really bad. However, he is always real. That is one thing I respect about him. Why don't you go start a thread at sublbc.com. Let him know what you think. I'm sure he would love to hear from you. Until then, flame on loser. :fire:

Oh, and if money isn't the issue...move to a legal state and by 10 1k rigs or whatever you said you would buy and handle your business. Because we already are doing the damn thing. We have been doing it, and will continue to do it. If you want to continue riding the bench and hating, that's ok too. We can always use more of you. sublbc may be a tool, but he is heavy in the game. How many clones do you put out every week? I rest my case.


Well-Known Member
First off, a grammer nazi who uses an ellipses every sentence can't be taken seriously. But here I go, commenting even though I've only read through about half of what you've posted, Trapt.

Here's the thing about people who grow for profit, or as some would call it: a business. *Making money is the fucking point.* What you don't seem to understand is that most businesses require a fair amount of investment and/or financing to get started. The amount that you make is severely dampened by your debt service (or covering the cost of your investment/financing if you're not familiar with the term.) You think these guys want to plant whole crops of the same strain all the time? No, dick, they do it because the profit margins in commercial marijuana growing are getting to be razor thin. They're growing large, single-strain crops because that's how they believe they'll stay competitive. They grow from clones because it's faster and they can count on what they're getting. They don't breed plants because that's not what they're in the business of doing. Would a lot of these growers enjoy doing these things? Probably. But here's the thing, they're doing what they can as best as they can. They're running a business and they happen to love their work. If hobbyist growing is what you love, do it, but don't shit on other people just because they claim to love something you clearly don't understand.

In case you're not aware, you're coming off like an idiot.

well.... thats exactly your problem... you didnt even read my posts, so why even bother taking sides?.... You just see me defending myself, or bashing someone, and you take sides, and just want to go against me because of the first sentence or post i wrote.....

And that's exactly my point, idiot.... There is a difference between saying you LOVE the plant, AND A FUCKING BUSINESS!!!... IM NOT saying they dont know how to run a business, MORON, so dont make a idiotic post, if you dont even know what you're bitching about.....

All I got to say about that.... Wow.... some people...


Well-Known Member
Man, you write more than me. Ok, I'm not sure if you have ever worked in the cannabis industry...but everyone touches their weed the same way he did in that video. Hardly anyone wears gloves. Yes, it was kind of annoying watching someone do that on video. If you don't like it, you turn it off.

As for him and how he treats the paients and yadayada whatever other BS you are blapping about...the guy is a business man. He will tell you himself. He didn't get in the game for the people. He got in the game for the money. It's big business out in Cali. The crap that you write just shows your ignorance about the medical marijauna game. The growers touch the weed, the trim crews touch the weed, the collectives touch the weed, and finally the patients touch the weed. I'm running my hands through my herb right now. Every grower on YouTube and around the world does it the same way. The difference is that sublbc is painfully honest. He doesn't edit his videos to make him seem like some great person. He just tells it like it is. Sometimes it makes him look really bad. However, he is always real. That is one thing I respect about him. Why don't you go start a thread at sublbc.com. Let him know what you think. I'm sure he would love to hear from you. Until then, flame on loser. :fire:

Oh, and if money isn't the issue...move to a legal state and by 10 1k rigs or whatever you said you would buy and handle your business. Because we already are doing the damn thing. We have been doing it, and will continue to do it. If you want to continue riding the bench and hating, that's ok too. We can always use more of you. sublbc may be a tool, but he is heavy in the game. How many clones do you put out every week? I rest my case.
An other idiot talking business and money over what I mentioned on my first post...... Business is LOVING THE MONEY not doing it because THE LOVE OF GROWING...

and like I said.... I used to like sub for the same reasons, as you just mentioned..... for him being brutally honest and what not.... But after that PM case, and him just throwing it off like if nothing, then he had nothing to back up what he STOOD FOR in his earlier videos......

And, yea..... What makes you say that EVERYONE handles their weed that way?..... And like i said.... I dont give a shit how you handle it, as long as it's yours, or just selling it on the streets, but not to the medical community...... If you go watch that vid, you can see like 50% of the people had a problem with it... and im sure the only reason those other put a thumbs up on it was because they're Sub fans, and would thumbs up even if he pissed on it...

and there is a difference between handling the weed gently when looking at it, or handling it with your fingertips and palm, than running your whole hand past the wrist through it.... Not only is he most likely breaking off all the tric's, but thats not the big issue.... and not as bad as the PM issue, but when you put the 2 together, you just know this dude is scum, and dont give a shit what he puts out there as long as he gets cash in his pocket....

and as far as that comment of me just moving to cali, and start my own business there...... Um, first of all.... I already take part in a business, I have a life/family/friends... I have a home in a 30 acre ranch, and I am not gonna give all that up just to start a business in cali..... Again.... Money means nothing in life without family and friends..


Well-Known Member
but seriously...... It's funny how people are turning this more into a Business, and his success in the "GAME"..... "How many clones do you put out a week? I rest my case".....lol.... Some people......

First of all.... I wouldnt do that even if it were legal here..... I have.... But I dont ask for "Donations".....lol....


Active Member
well.... thats exactly your problem... you didnt even read my posts, so why even bother taking sides?.... You just see me defending myself, or bashing someone, and you take sides, and just want to go against me because of the first sentence or post i wrote.....

And that's exactly my point, idiot.... There is a difference between saying you LOVE the plant, AND A FUCKING BUSINESS!!!... IM NOT saying they dont know how to run a business, MORON, so dont make a idiotic post, if you dont even know what you're bitching about.....

All I got to say about that.... Wow.... some people...
I should have been more clear. I read enough of your posts to respond to your original points, but stopped reading your later posts when I realized that you were either a troll, or just plain retarded. If you spent the time to digest my response and reflect upon your original post you'd shut up or try to respond with some dignity. As it is, you're blowing full steam ahead into making an even bigger ass of yourself.

What you're now trying to get into is an debate over the nature of love. To state that a person cannot love growing a plant and make a business out of growing that same plant is asinine. My dentist loves his work, but naturally works to make money. These concepts aren't mutually exclusive. If your point is that anything run as a business can't be associated with an actual love of the product/service, well, you're a fucking retard.

As you put it: "Business is LOVING THE MONEY not doing it because THE LOVE OF GROWING..." I like this statement because it not only confirms that you're a fucking retard, but also displays that you have no idea what a business is. A business is an entity that provides a product or service to a consumer. Yes, a person who runs a business often hopes to make money doing so, but only a clueless asshole would think that all businesses prize making money over everything else.

This is the person you're suggesting exists:

"I don't really enjoy marijuana, but I love making money! Perhaps I can spend a lot of time learning about a plant that I'm not really into, then spend a lot of money to setup a small-scale commercial grow. In the meantime, I'll take on a healthy portion of legal risk. At harvest, I'll finally turn a marginal profit doing this thing that I don't really love! Finally, I'm going to post attention seeking videos on youTube and lie to people about loving my work just to get people like Trapt all riled up!"

The problem here is that you're naive enough to think that your definition of "love" is the correct one. In fact, most of what you write (if you can call it writing) sounds like the whining of a jealous child. I don't get upset when I read your posts, buddy, just embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
I should have been more clear. I read enough of your posts to respond to your original points, but stopped reading your later posts when I realized that you were either a troll, or just plain retarded. If you spent the time to digest my response and reflect upon your original post you'd shut up or try to respond with some dignity. As it is, you're blowing full steam ahead into making an even bigger ass of yourself.

What you're now trying to get into is an debate over the nature of love. To state that a person cannot love growing a plant and make a business out of growing that same plant is asinine. My dentist loves his work, but naturally works to make money. These concepts aren't mutually exclusive. If your point is that anything run as a business can't be associated with an actual love of the product/service, well, you're a fucking retard.

As you put it: "Business is LOVING THE MONEY not doing it because THE LOVE OF GROWING..." I like this statement because it not only confirms that you're a fucking retard, but also displays that you have no idea what a business is. A business is an entity that provides a product or service to a consumer. Yes, a person who runs a business often hopes to make money doing so, but only a clueless asshole would think that all businesses prize making money over everything else.

This is the person you're suggesting exists:

"I don't really enjoy marijuana, but I love making money! Perhaps I can spend a lot of time learning about a plant that I'm not really into, then spend a lot of money to setup a small-scale commercial grow. In the meantime, I'll take on a healthy portion of legal risk. At harvest, I'll finally turn a marginal profit doing this thing that I don't really love! Finally, I'm going to post attention seeking videos on youTube and lie to people about loving my work just to get people like Trapt all riled up!"

The problem here is that you're naive enough to think that your definition of "love" is the correct one. In fact, most of what you write (if you can call it writing) sounds like the whining of a jealous child. I don't get upset when I read your posts, buddy, just embarrassed.
I just came on here to start a thread about likes and dislikes about youtube..... and you're either Sublbc himself, or one of his steaming fans, that will say anything to try to get me pissed off, but I'm not that dumb into thinking I'm actually THAT person, and I KNEW you would come back with something like that when I said that about love...... I even felt the urge to edit my post (like you did, so who knows what idiotic thing you fixed) and call that out.... You totally take what I say way too serious, and WAY OVERBOARD.

What Kind of stupid quote of "what I think exists" is that?.... That's just you being a stupid nerd kid, and saying to himself.. "hmmm.... what can I say to this guy to get to him, and say it in the meanest most disrespecting way possible? buahaha.."..... Grow up, kid..... You SERIOUSLY remind me of my bitch ex-girlfriend from high school when she would get mad..(And I mean the psycho I saw in her MONTHS after I ended it with her).... I wont go into detail, as it was all childish, and just stupid mind games that only a chick would come up with....

Like I said..... I do not think that is the love of the plant... I could totally turn it around on you, and say...

This is the person you're suggesting DOESNT exists:

"God, What can I do for a quick buck?.... Should I go to school for 4 years and work at Mcdonalds part time? Or should I do that Mariguana thing I heard about in the news that they say can make me up to a quarter million dollars a year, and happens to be legal in my area. I can easily learn almost everything about growing this stuff on the internet in no time, with a little research, oh, and I can use my video editing skills to make videos about it on youtube to help me get popularity, and to promote my gear to the masses!.... Fuck it, I'll just lie to them, and make up this 'from nothing to something' story, and hopefully I'll get fans like kriznarf, and chicken to believe my bs, and get me to the very top of the cannabus youtube community, and soon enough I'll be famous, everyone will think i'm cool, and I might..... MIGHT even get laid! :*)..... Fuck, yea.... I'm using my school money to grow this stuff!..... But, then again I might get free Mcnuggets if i work at Mc...... Nah I'll go with..... well....Sweet n sour sauce is quite delicious... no no.... I'm gonna do it!..... I'm gonna grow pot!"

He's a good businessman... I'm not saying he's not...... I just question his love for doing this...... Come on... The dude DOES NOTHING!!!.... He doesnt even help with trimming... He gets people to do it for him.... I love everything about all this, and if I grew that much weed, I'd probably still just trim it all myself in a day or 2 with my buddies... (which also shows what type of person he is, as he doesnt have any friends to help him trim... pretty sad, really.... He never says "They help me trim, and I'll give them some bud"... No... He always say that he hires, and usually pays an Oz per LB of wet trim".... whatever whatever... It doesnt take a genius to know he doesnt have any friends.... and I'm sure it's because he just doesnt fit in... and the same way how people hate him online is why people in real life around him dislike him also.....and I dont pity the guy... He can be cool, and not such of a dick if he wanted to be, but he's just a spoiled brat.... Plain and simple.... again, doesnt take a genius to see this..

Do you REALLY think "ALL THIS CAME FROM A POKER TOURNAMENT"... He won a poker tournament, and got all the money he needed to run this business..... PLLLLEASE!!.... First he said he had nothing in his pocket.... and this is what got him the money?...... As a semi-pro poker player myself... I know more than to believe this nonesense..... It takes money to make money..... And if everything came from 1 winning, and he got everything he had, which he said was roughly like 6-7 months before he started on youtube.(say he won 10k.... Where did he get the money to enter in this tournament?.. It would at least have to of been a 100 dollars on the line for at least a 1500 man tourney that would give him a 0.00066% chance at winning this..... Do you really think someone "Left on the streets to die"... "couldnt even afford a bit to eat"... Would really put that much money on the line with those odds?... and he clearly knows how to play, so he MUST have have been playing high stakes online poker for a while to learn all this.... Which means he's always had money, and all those sympathy stories of his were nothing but skills he most likely learned in speech class in High School (ala Barack Obama).... Only an idiot wouldnt put things like this together, and know he's nothing but lies through and through...... Shit.... I watch CSI....

and... like I said... There is no reason to get extra personal, and attack me like this over a fucking opinion..... If I had told you to fuck your mother, or that I fucked your sister like I saw some other idiots on here who got into a heated discussion THEN I wouldnt expect anything but it after doing so.... But I didnt.... Unless you ARE my jealous ex, then you dont have a reason other that you're just a pathetic/mad at the world, loser looking for attention and a fight..(which wouldnt surprise me by that avatar of yours...lol.... does that discribe your personality?).... You seriously have anger issues.... Take a chill pill, man.... Relax....

Come back when you have something you hate about youtube, or else gtfo and ignore my ass, cuz that's what I'm gonna do if you do otherwise.... Wont go past the first sentence, so dont waste your time, if you're thinking about it...... seriously....lol


Well-Known Member
why would anybody start a business that they didnt have some sort of interest in?? really, there are so many things out there that could make just as much money and with half the risk, doesnt make sense to me, i mean the owner of the electrical company i worked for made 1/4 of a mill a year no prob and he wasnt at risk for growing mj lol. for the single strain thing, i can guarantee you they do this because they need a strain that fits there grow criteria as well as whats in demand (as at this point its not up to the grower but now up to the patients and they may not agree with "your" likings) this is where the line is drawn and yes some tough decisions have to be made. also you stated people would think it was a "quick buck" well i hate to say it but most all of the collectives and businesses i have talked to have stated that there investment was definitely not returned via the first harvest hahaha so for someone to think they can invest 100,000$ into a "legal mj facility" thinking they could just get a quick buck is both retarded and ignorant, now if anyone who was at least somewhat business oriented would look at the figures and be like fuck that lets go start a titty bar hahaha i think this topic is beyond you as i dont think you have looked into the process very much as you would need a lawyer (right off hand before anything and they aren't the cheapest thing in the world), inspection, bla bla bla the list continues its not just hey lets go pick up 10 1k watt systems, click are heels together while saying "im going to be a mmj dealer" lol sorry but its time to come back to Kansas Dorthy. hell if anything i would say it takes more of a love to do what they do then to do what you do. im with kiznarf all the way i dont think you quite understand the process you have to go through not to mention the constant harassment you will receive in making this hobby a "business" from the feds.


Well-Known Member
why would anybody start a business that they didnt have some sort of interest in?? really, there are so many things out there that could make just as much money and with half the risk, doesnt make sense to me, i mean the owner of the electrical company i worked for made 1/4 of a mill a year no prob and he wasnt at risk for growing mj lol. for the single strain thing, i can guarantee you they do this because they need a strain that fits there grow criteria as well as whats in demand (as at this point its not up to the grower but now up to the patients and they may not agree with "your" likings) this is where the line is drawn and yes some tough decisions have to be made. also you stated people would think it was a "quick buck" well i hate to say it but most all of the collectives and businesses i have talked to have stated that there investment was definitely not returned via the first harvest hahaha so for someone to think they can invest 100,000$ into a "legal mj facility" thinking they could just get a quick buck is both retarded and ignorant, now if anyone who was at least somewhat business oriented would look at the figures and be like fuck that lets go start a titty bar hahaha i think this topic is beyond you as i dont think you have looked into the process very much as you would need a lawyer (right off hand before anything and they aren't the cheapest thing in the world), inspection, bla bla bla the list continues its not just hey lets go pick up 10 1k watt systems, click are heels together while saying "im going to be a mmj dealer" lol sorry but its time to come back to Kansas Dorthy. hell if anything i would say it takes more of a love to do what they do then to do what you do. im with kiznarf all the way i dont think you quite understand the process you have to go through not to mention the constant harassment you will receive in making this hobby a "business" from the feds.
Ok.... Here is a comment I can at least respond with respect...

I know what you mean.... And I do GET IT..lol.... Just because I didnt say it like that doesnt mean I wouldnt know these kind of things right from the top of my head... I'm not a teenager, although sometimes I act like one, but I'm not an asshole, I just call it like i see it. Which is why I respect people like Floyd Mayweather and a Howard Stern like I mentioned earlier.. That's just my mentality, and I'm gonna call bs when I see it... Simple as that. I'm a stubborn guy, I'm not gonna lie, I get into these kind of "heated discussions" with my girl, friends, brothers, uncles all the time.. On any topic. But I can very easily do it with a smile on my face, and I'll never hold a grudge, and neither will they... We'll always end the night with a hug, and a handshake.... and as for my girl... She loves me more than anything..(:P)...shit... she better!..lol... And I love her, and we always have these debates.... I may be wrong 2..3% of the time, but I would never go as low as this guy...(forgot his name, and im not going back to check right now...lol) and write a whole post and calling me an fucking asshole, or a fucking retard, whatever he said, over someone's opinion.

Anyways... I still stand by what I said, but good business man or not..... You have to admit that this guy is a fucking moron, with no respect for anyone... Like I said.. It's not like if I go on youtube, and troll away over every little error I see people doing.... You can go through every single post here on RIU since I started, and you would not see me say one negative thing about anyone. I dont care if their grow was complete crap, I treat everyone the same, and I'm a proud guy... I stand by my ethics, and what I believe in, but when someone attacks me personally like that, you're my enemy.. Simple as that...

If I call someone like sub what I did, I think I have the right to.... Since even he said it.... He doesnt hide anything... What you see is what you get.... So people dont have that excuse of "You dont even know the guy personally"... Why I said in my opening post that only people from youtube, since you basically follow what they do, and can pretty much judge someone by their actions... At least somewhat... If he can make a video on calling out Jorge Cervantes' cloning techniques, then I can call him out too.. He pretty much bashes everyone, and promises things, but never delivers... and when he doesnt, he always has an excuse on "Why this time it went wrong, but next time im gonna bla bla bla"..... He's a newb learning along from his mistakes, plain and simple.... Comes out on his first vids that "Botanicare was the best.. bla bla bla" and a month later he's using something else, and says "I thought botanicare was better, but I have to give it up to AN on this one".... He just bitches, and doesnt even know his facts... You can tell that he either just sped read a book on growing, or researched online, and I bet he has not been growing for more than 18 months.... 2 years at the most..... He buys Voodoo Juice(which he was hating on before he even tried it) and after 2-3 weeks of use, he already had a verdict, and that it was crap.... or "poopoo" as he said.... He said he only bought the gallon of it because he paid less than 100 bucks for it or something like that, but nobody is gonna have a verdict on how good or bad a nutrient is in 2-3 weeks....at the end of the vid he acted all pissed, and was like.. "I dont think I'm even gonna use it anymore... Aquashield works just as good if not better.." then he says.. "who knows... I may just pore it all down the sink"..(He was standing next to the sink also, and I thought he was actually gonna do it at the end, but of course he didnt.... I call him out, and tell him to make a vid of him poring it down the drain, and he says "I may just do so.." again... At this point I still didnt dislike him so much... Or really at all..... and I even defended him once when Koma and Urban Retard were talking shit about him, because it had nothing to do with growing.... They were basically just calling him fat... and because he had sausage fingers or whatever.... Thought that was childish, as Sub always spoke out of his ass or whatever, but he never insulted anyone personally... so I called them out on that...... But like i said... It all started over that Powdery Mildew situation.... After that, he totally changed... he stayed away from youtube for like a week because everyone was so pissed off about this... guess he didnt know what to say in his upcoming vid, as he knew his methods were wrong, but since he has too much pride to admit he was wrong, he just totally went rogue, I guess to try and piss people off more about that situation that unfolded........ I'm not saying he should of thrown all that premature moldy bud in the trash like he said in one of his upcoming vids, but i'm sure alot of people in the streets just buying to get fucked up and party would take that weed off his hands... Of course hot for the same price, but he fucked up, and he should live with it.... I say that was the only honorable thing to do..... Not give it to the patients that are counting on him to grow the best possible.... And his excuse was "I have not heard of anyone that has died over powdery mildew.... If anyone can find any solid source that says someone has died from MS, send me the link, and if it is credible source, I will have it pulled down the shelves".... Pfft.... Cancer and Aids patients have not all been smoking weed as medicine for that long...This is pretty much JUST catching wind.....and this IS gonna happen sooner or later, the only question is when.....and of course there is a very unlikely chance that it would happen, but my point IS..... People are buying something that smells good... looks good(well, decent, since it was only flowered for like 5 weeks)...and priced good, but I guarantee the bottle wasnt marked "Platinum Bubba Kush w/ Powdery Mildew problems... But you cant see it because we sprayed it all off with Poison'd air in a can"..... If you all have not used that canned air, when you spray it, sometimes it discharges liquid burst(like a camel spit) THEN it throws out air.... i could only imagine how much of that junk was soaked into the weed.... and you can actually see fumes thrown out of the "air" as you spray it......... Those things are expensive.... He bought 9.... That was easily at least 70 bucks.....Why not just buy a compressor? and use that instead of poison in a can?.... Not saying it would be right, and fix things, but its much better than that crap....

If I have to wake up in the early morning here to write this while everyone is asleep, and to hopefully help someone that lives near this punk, and buys weed in his area, then I'm gonna do it.....so next time you go into a dispensary, ask them if they carry product of youtube's sublbs like if you're interested.... and if they say "we sure do!"..... Say... "OK.... I want NOT THAT" :)....

And as far as all that shit you have to go through.... I know.... get a lawyer... deal with a club/dispensary sign a contract... but who knows if this guy is actually legal..... Alot of ppl say he isnt, and by the # of plants he grows, and all those clones, I'm pretty sure he isnt either..... And no... I'm not jealous of this guy... I dont care if he's a millionaire... He's still a lonely pathetic dude, and he's most likely gonna die like this if he doesnt change his ways..... Little harsh, but that's the truth.... He said himself that his friends and family abandoned him because of his "love of this plant".... aka "Love of the money, and the attention he gets from him being "cool" because he grows pot..... There is no need for him to make videos if he truley loved this plant.......... If you would rather pick money and fame over your family and friends, then you're one selfish bastard..... I cannot see myself growing weed if it meant me losing the last years I have with my parents, and live without my wife, and little girl.....Luckily I'm not an attention whore, and have to let the whole world, and all the people that know me know what I do..

k... Back to sleep..... Joint.... off
He's a good businessman... I'm not saying he's not...... I just question his love for doing this...... Come on... The dude DOES NOTHING!!!.... He doesnt even help with trimming... He gets people to do it for him.... I love everything about all this, and if I grew that much weed, I'd probably still just trim it all myself in a day or 2 with my buddies... (which also shows what type of person he is, as he doesnt have any friends to help him trim... pretty sad, really.... He never says "They help me trim, and I'll give them some bud"... No... He always say that he hires, and usually pays an Oz per LB of wet trim".... whatever whatever... It doesnt take a genius to know he doesnt have any friends.... and I'm sure it's because he just doesnt fit in... and the same way how people hate him online is why people in real life around him dislike him also.....and I dont pity the guy... He can be cool, and not such of a dick if he wanted to be, but he's just a spoiled brat.... Plain and simple.... again, doesnt take a genius to see this..
Do you REALLY think "ALL THIS CAME FROM A POKER TOURNAMENT"... He won a poker tournament, and got all the money he needed to run this business..... PLLLLEASE!!.... First he said he had nothing in his pocket.... and this is what got him the money?...... As a semi-pro poker player myself... I know more than to believe this nonesense..... It takes money to make money..... And if everything came from 1 winning, and he got everything he had, which he said was roughly like 6-7 months before he started on youtube.(say he won 10k.... Where did he get the money to enter in this tournament?.. It would at least have to of been a 100 dollars on the line for at least a 1500 man tourney that would give him a 0.00066% chance at winning this..... Do you really think someone "Left on the streets to die"... "couldnt even afford a bit to eat"... Would really put that much money on the line with those odds?... and he clearly knows how to play, so he MUST have have been playing high stakes online poker for a while to learn all this.... Which means he's always had money, and all those sympathy stories of his were nothing but skills he most likely learned in speech class in High School (ala Barack Obama).... Only an idiot wouldnt put things like this together, and know he's nothing but lies through and through...... Shit.... I watch CSI....
and... like I said... There is no reason to get extra personal, and attack me like this over a fucking opinion..... If I had told you to fuck your mother, or that I fucked your sister like I saw some other idiots on here who got into a heated discussion THEN I wouldnt expect anything but it after doing so.... But I didnt.... Unless you ARE my jealous ex, then you dont have a reason other that you're just a pathetic/mad at the world, loser looking for attention and a fight..(which wouldnt surprise me by that avatar of yours...lol.... does that discribe your personality?).... You seriously have anger issues.... Take a chill pill, man.... Relax....
Come back when you have something you hate about youtube, or else gtfo and ignore my ass, cuz that's what I'm gonna do if you do otherwise.... Wont go past the first sentence, so dont waste your time, if you're thinking about it...... seriously....lol

Okay guy, last time I'm going to make a post arguing with you. You are obviously one of those people that likes to argue for the sake of arguing. When someone makes a vaild point you back down and start in on another facet of the debate that you create as you go along.

First, the guy is in the business becuase the money he makes from it affords him the thing that he does truly value. He values freedom. That's what he stands for. Whenever you talk about "his old videos and what he stood for" You are talking about his freedom. Not yours, mine or harriet freaking tubman's freedom. That is why he does what he does. This is why many of us go into business. Unlike many businesses, the medical cannabis industry pretty much allows you to run your own schedule. You don't have to operate around others schedules. They operate around you. You have your own business and 30 acres so you know all about supply and demand. You must also know the freedom that comes with being in demand. People come to you.

sublbc was already in the business for several years before he moved to LA. He came to LA for reasons that are unknown to me. He slept in his car. Eventually he started working his way back up the food chain. The tournament He won was a donkament on FTP called Midnight Maddness. It cost $11 to enter and first place is usually around 3k-4k. He binked the tourney and bought a small set-up and a few clones and a fluorescent for clones and from there he added on more and more and then He started documenting grows on YouTube. I bought my original setup by having a good night in a small stakes NLH game at my local cardroom. It does happen believe it or not. When you say you're a semi pro I know that just means you're some washed up degen with an addiction. It's ok though. I would be mad too if I were as disappointed about my life as you. Regardless of what we say about sublbc, he will continue to do what he is out to do..and that is get money to buy freedom.

I know when you originally posted your crybaby hate post you didn't expect me to come along and get on your head. I just had to drop in and tell you what time it is. If you are heavy in the cloning game and you don't ask for donations, then good for you man. You are probsbly doing a great thing for your community. Some of us use this to profit though. You can hate on that all you want, but you wont stop us now. Enjoy your acres and your family..go play with your kids. Do the things that you love. Try not to use the word "hate" so much. It's not a positive word. Nothing good comes from saying the word hate.


Well-Known Member
Okay guy, last time I'm going to make a post arguing with you. You are obviously one of those people that likes to argue for the sake of arguing. When someone makes a vaild point you back down and start in on another facet of the debate that you create as you go along.

First, the guy is in the business becuase the money he makes from it affords him the thing that he does truly value. He values freedom. That's what he stands for. Whenever you talk about "his old videos and what he stood for" You are talking about his freedom. Not yours, mine or harriet freaking tubman's freedom. That is why he does what he does. This is why many of us go into business. Unlike many businesses, the medical cannabis industry pretty much allows you to run your own schedule. You don't have to operate around others schedules. They operate around you. You have your own business and 30 acres so you know all about supply and demand. You must also know the freedom that comes with being in demand. People come to you.

sublbc was already in the business for several years before he moved to LA. He came to LA for reasons that are unknown to me. He slept in his car. Eventually he started working his way back up the food chain. The tournament He won was a donkament on FTP called Midnight Maddness. It cost $11 to enter and first place is usually around 3k-4k. He binked the tourney and bought a small set-up and a few clones and a fluorescent for clones and from there he added on more and more and then He started documenting grows on YouTube. I bought my original setup by having a good night in a small stakes NLH game at my local cardroom. It does happen believe it or not. When you say you're a semi pro I know that just means you're some washed up degen with an addiction. It's ok though. I would be mad too if I were as disappointed about my life as you. Regardless of what we say about sublbc, he will continue to do what he is out to do..and that is get money to buy freedom.

I know when you originally posted your crybaby hate post you didn't expect me to come along and get on your head. I just had to drop in and tell you what time it is. If you are heavy in the cloning game and you don't ask for donations, then good for you man. You are probsbly doing a great thing for your community. Some of us use this to profit though. You can hate on that all you want, but you wont stop us now. Enjoy your acres and your family..go play with your kids. Do the things that you love. Try not to use the word "hate" so much. It's not a positive word. Nothing good comes from saying the word hate.
I dont hate anyone.. and im not here to argue... at all.. and "hate". It's just a word I throw out... And when I mean I was a Semi Pro, I mean I was a semi pro...... 1k profit per month or so on Pacific Poker website till they closed it down... Then on Full Tilt..... I never made as much money on Full Tilt than on Pacific(Dont know if its even still around)..... But I made a good 5-6k in like 4 or so months on and off on Full Tilt..... And yes... Also on small 5, 10, 20 dollar tourneys.... Got first at least 3 times, and played alot of 10 dollar SnG's... Around 10 tables at a time, and that made me good profit also.... Easy money, but it's very very stressful, as if you truly played you got your ups and your downs.... So If I would of NEVER LOST money at it, I would of made like 35-40k profit easy.... But I stopped playing, as It was fucking up my sleeping pattern, and affecting my love life, plus about the time my daughter was born..... Sometimes I would start a 50$ tourney at like 10pm KNOWING I would most likely pass the hell out and or get so sleepy and lose interest.... But sometimes playing with that no interest will get you lucky, and possibly in the top 20 or so, so time for a good sativa, and some coffee...... Or maybe just coffee... Playing too stoned wouldnt work out for me most of the time....

I have a question though.... How do you know all this about sub?..... Are you him or something? Dont know many people that sport his website as a sig...

and as far as the "cloning game"..... I have no "cloning game"..... I currently have 10 A Train clones going on, as the original plant put out some DANKASS nugs, with a beautiful taste, and decent yields despite a few errors, since I am Old School, and used to do my grows with nothing but DynaGro/Bloom Blood/Bone meal, and Molasses/Honey.... That's it..... But this time was my first grow using more additives from botanicare's Liquid Karma, AquaShield, ProTekt, Magical, and Bud Candy....... And I also changed my coco, so I had ph problems late veg, and early flower..on all my plants, as the coco claimed that it was pre buffered for stable ph, so I trusted it, and the whole time the ph was under 5.0 in the coco.... F it.... Had used 3-4 different cocos in the past, and none gave me these problems, so basically thought all coco was the same..... Anyways after i found out the problem, I flushed the shit, and it was back rock n rollin come week 4, but most of the fan leaves had fallen off by then, so I didnt get the yield.... Gonna do these next 5 or so A Trains outdoors, and currently have a bubba kush at the start of week 4, and looking beautiful.... No ph problems this time.... Back to my old trusty coco and time to see what these additives can really do, as I already had great results with my old regimen, but maybe I can do better..... This all started since I joined the site, so i kinda blame the site for changing my ways, but they might do for the better.... who knows..... And I had never really bought seeds online.. I would just grow from great bag seeds, or "clients" who knew i did dro would buy seeds for me of whatever they wanted... The last time I had purchased seeds online before 4 months ago was like 10 years ago from seeds direct. nl Nirvana's website.... Back when their packs of 10 regs were 15 bucks, and buy 3 packs get 1 free, so ended up like 12.50 a pack... Got ICE, AK48, K2(the best) and a Indoor Mix..... Those seeds lasted a while... gave some away, then all gone..... never ordered again just for fear.... Learned everything I know from overgrow site...

Anywhoo... before I write an other novel..... I am not a dealer..... I share clones if someone wants them... Usually friends.... Takes time, and a little effort, but come on.... No more than 10 clones or so..... Not saying I give away free clones to the whole community down here all the time... And like I said... Not many ppl know I grow personal...

only strains i had grown by request have been White Widow, White Rhino, Sweet Tooth(Was actually this strain crossed with a Skunk #1 I spoke about earlier, then that creation was crossed with a great mexican bag seed male and my friend named "La Skank") The Hog, and Bubblegum


Well-Known Member
Ok.... Here is a comment I can at least respond with respect...
thank you

I know what you mean.... And I do GET IT..lol.... Just because I didnt say it like that doesnt mean I wouldnt know these kind of things right from the top of my head... I'm not a teenager, although sometimes I act like one, but I'm not an asshole, I just call it like i see it. Which is why I respect people like Floyd Mayweather and a Howard Stern like I mentioned earlier.. That's just my mentality, and I'm gonna call bs when I see it... Simple as that. I'm a stubborn guy, I'm not gonna lie, I get into these kind of "heated discussions" with my girl, friends, brothers, uncles all the time.. On any topic. But I can very easily do it with a smile on my face, and I'll never hold a grudge, and neither will they... We'll always end the night with a hug, and a handshake.... and as for my girl... She loves me more than anything..(:P)...shit... she better!..lol... And I love her, and we always have these debates.... I may be wrong 2..3% of the time, but I would never go as low as this guy...(forgot his name, and im not going back to check right now...lol) and write a whole post and calling me an fucking asshole, or a fucking retard, whatever he said, over someone's opinion.

Anyways... I still stand by what I said, but good business man or not..... You have to admit that this guy is a fucking moron, with no respect for anyone... Like I said.. It's not like if I go on youtube, and troll away over every little error I see people doing.... You can go through every single post here on RIU since I started, and you would not see me say one negative thing about anyone. I dont care if their grow was complete crap, I treat everyone the same, and I'm a proud guy... I stand by my ethics, and what I believe in, but when someone attacks me personally like that, you're my enemy.. Simple as that...

If I call someone like sub what I did, I think I have the right to.... Since even he said it.... He doesnt hide anything... What you see is what you get.... So people dont have that excuse of "You dont even know the guy personally"... Why I said in my opening post that only people from youtube, since you basically follow what they do, and can pretty much judge someone by their actions... At least somewhat... If he can make a video on calling out Jorge Cervantes' cloning techniques, then I can call him out too.. He pretty much bashes everyone, and promises things, but never delivers... and when he doesnt, he always has an excuse on "Why this time it went wrong, but next time im gonna bla bla bla"..... He's a newb learning along from his mistakes, plain and simple.... Comes out on his first vids that "Botanicare was the best.. bla bla bla" and a month later he's using something else, and says "I thought botanicare was better, but I have to give it up to AN on this one".... He just bitches, and doesnt even know his facts... You can tell that he either just sped read a book on growing, or researched online, and I bet he has not been growing for more than 18 months.... 2 years at the most..... He buys Voodoo Juice(which he was hating on before he even tried it) and after 2-3 weeks of use, he already had a verdict, and that it was crap.... or "poopoo" as he said.... He said he only bought the gallon of it because he paid less than 100 bucks for it or something like that, but nobody is gonna have a verdict on how good or bad a nutrient is in 2-3 weeks....at the end of the vid he acted all pissed, and was like.. "I dont think I'm even gonna use it anymore... Aquashield works just as good if not better.." then he says.. "who knows... I may just pore it all down the sink"..(He was standing next to the sink also, and I thought he was actually gonna do it at the end, but of course he didnt.... I call him out, and tell him to make a vid of him poring it down the drain, and he says "I may just do so.." again... At this point I still didnt dislike him so much... Or really at all..... and I even defended him once when Koma and Urban Retard were talking shit about him, because it had nothing to do with growing.... They were basically just calling him fat... and because he had sausage fingers or whatever.... Thought that was childish, as Sub always spoke out of his ass or whatever, but he never insulted anyone personally... so I called them out on that...... But like i said... It all started over that Powdery Mildew situation.... After that, he totally changed... he stayed away from youtube for like a week because everyone was so pissed off about this... guess he didnt know what to say in his upcoming vid, as he knew his methods were wrong, but since he has too much pride to admit he was wrong, he just totally went rogue, I guess to try and piss people off more about that situation that unfolded........ I'm not saying he should of thrown all that premature moldy bud in the trash like he said in one of his upcoming vids, but i'm sure alot of people in the streets just buying to get fucked up and party would take that weed off his hands... Of course hot for the same price, but he fucked up, and he should live with it.... I say that was the only honorable thing to do..... Not give it to the patients that are counting on him to grow the best possible.... And his excuse was "I have not heard of anyone that has died over powdery mildew.... If anyone can find any solid source that says someone has died from MS, send me the link, and if it is credible source, I will have it pulled down the shelves".... Pfft.... Cancer and Aids patients have not all been smoking weed as medicine for that long...This is pretty much JUST catching wind.....and this IS gonna happen sooner or later, the only question is when.....and of course there is a very unlikely chance that it would happen, but my point IS..... People are buying something that smells good... looks good(well, decent, since it was only flowered for like 5 weeks)...and priced good, but I guarantee the bottle wasnt marked "Platinum Bubba Kush w/ Powdery Mildew problems... But you cant see it because we sprayed it all off with Poison'd air in a can"..... If you all have not used that canned air, when you spray it, sometimes it discharges liquid burst(like a camel spit) THEN it throws out air.... i could only imagine how much of that junk was soaked into the weed.... and you can actually see fumes thrown out of the "air" as you spray it......... Those things are expensive.... He bought 9.... That was easily at least 70 bucks.....Why not just buy a compressor? and use that instead of poison in a can?.... Not saying it would be right, and fix things, but its much better than that crap....

If I have to wake up in the early morning here to write this while everyone is asleep, and to hopefully help someone that lives near this punk, and buys weed in his area, then I'm gonna do it.....so next time you go into a dispensary, ask them if they carry product of youtube's sublbs like if you're interested.... and if they say "we sure do!"..... Say... "OK.... I want NOT THAT" :)....

And as far as all that shit you have to go through.... I know.... get a lawyer... deal with a club/dispensary sign a contract... but who knows if this guy is actually legal..... Alot of ppl say he isnt, and by the # of plants he grows, and all those clones, I'm pretty sure he isnt either..... And no... I'm not jealous of this guy... I dont care if he's a millionaire... He's still a lonely pathetic dude, and he's most likely gonna die like this if he doesnt change his ways..... Little harsh, but that's the truth.... He said himself that his friends and family abandoned him because of his "love of this plant".... aka "Love of the money, and the attention he gets from him being "cool" because he grows pot..... There is no need for him to make videos if he truley loved this plant.......... If you would rather pick money and fame over your family and friends, then you're one selfish bastard..... I cannot see myself growing weed if it meant me losing the last years I have with my parents, and live without my wife, and little girl.....Luckily I'm not an attention whore, and have to let the whole world, and all the people that know me know what I do..

k... Back to sleep..... Joint.... off
i agree in the fact that allot of these guys are newb's trying to make it like they have been doing it for a long time and the whole AN thing ya i agree with you all the way. its crap, i have known guys who have ran it forever and make the switch to canna or GH and say they are kicking there selves for not doing it sooner (virtually no change in product or yield) i have never bought the shit and dont ever plan on it, IMHO its the gardener who separates the boys from the men NOT the thousands you spend in nute's. i know people like you are explaining (doesnt seem like they have a love for the actual gardening or not as much as i do) and they have the best of the beat (everything) and they come see my op and are telling me there's look nowhere near the size and weight of there's at the same weeks of flower and im running 400's hahaha, but anyway there was a guy on the tube who i really didnt agree with (not sure his name) but he was talking all kinds of shit about the CAP ebb and grow system saying "IT" caused deficiencies in his plants when it was guaranteed human error cause mine seems to be doing great and then his yield was crap (like .35 gpw) and he blamed the system all the way which cracked me up. i dont get that at all if i was to grow plants to the size of his i would have been doing vert lighting all the way would have increased his yield by prably 20% but hell if he thinks it was the system then cool shit there is no way it was the 48 5-6' tall plants under only 4000 watts lol.


Well-Known Member
i love gobiginternational , once you get past the jaw dropping stupidity you just have to sit back and laugh at his retarded ass. hes a rapist btw.


Active Member
Okay guy, last time I'm going to make a post arguing with you. You are obviously one of those people that likes to argue for the sake of arguing. When someone makes a vaild point you back down and start in on another facet of the debate that you create as you go along.

First, the guy is in the business becuase the money he makes from it affords him the thing that he does truly value. He values freedom. That's what he stands for. Whenever you talk about "his old videos and what he stood for" You are talking about his freedom. Not yours, mine or harriet freaking tubman's freedom. That is why he does what he does. This is why many of us go into business. Unlike many businesses, the medical cannabis industry pretty much allows you to run your own schedule. You don't have to operate around others schedules. They operate around you. You have your own business and 30 acres so you know all about supply and demand. You must also know the freedom that comes with being in demand. People come to you.

sublbc was already in the business for several years before he moved to LA. He came to LA for reasons that are unknown to me. He slept in his car. Eventually he started working his way back up the food chain. The tournament He won was a donkament on FTP called Midnight Maddness. It cost $11 to enter and first place is usually around 3k-4k. He binked the tourney and bought a small set-up and a few clones and a fluorescent for clones and from there he added on more and more and then He started documenting grows on YouTube. I bought my original setup by having a good night in a small stakes NLH game at my local cardroom. It does happen believe it or not. When you say you're a semi pro I know that just means you're some washed up degen with an addiction. It's ok though. I would be mad too if I were as disappointed about my life as you. Regardless of what we say about sublbc, he will continue to do what he is out to do..and that is get money to buy freedom.

I know when you originally posted your crybaby hate post you didn't expect me to come along and get on your head. I just had to drop in and tell you what time it is. If you are heavy in the cloning game and you don't ask for donations, then good for you man. You are probsbly doing a great thing for your community. Some of us use this to profit though. You can hate on that all you want, but you wont stop us now. Enjoy your acres and your family..go play with your kids. Do the things that you love. Try not to use the word "hate" so much. It's not a positive word. Nothing good comes from saying the word hate.

I hate not being high , so I think i'll go toke up :) - thchead


Well-Known Member
and for all of you who might of thought I was bluffing..... I ran across these from like a year ago....when i first got got on facebook, and started talking to all my old highschool buddies that dont live in my small down anymore...... Well, she didnt believe me that I made alot of money playing poker online, because she played for fun on that fb poker software, but i invited her to play for real money, and that I would loan her $50 bucks to get herself started.... And she was like "No way, that is too much!".... And I basically told her that I LOSE more than that playing poker sometimes, but that I would make it back.... and she was like "Promise?"..... So I had to deliver.... We played poker all night, and she went to bed, and I told her "and I had registered in a tournament while we played in $2 sng's while I showed her some tricks that differ from play money through skype.... fun... anyways... she was there cheering me on till she got tired, but i told her to go to bed, and said "dont worry... tomorrow I will show you the grand I won....lol"...... I was pretty tired, But I was fully committed to try my best to place at where I would make my buy in back (100$ buy in)... After I make my money back, I just step up my game, and I play better, since I have nothing to lose.... anywhoo.... here..



Well-Known Member
Is it just me?.... Ok... Let me explain it...

I hate it when growers (Mainly on youtube, since you cant see other growers or know how they think).... When they say they do it for the love of growing. and How MUCH they love this plant, but all you see them doing is growing rooms full of the same strain, and selling clones(alot of you know exactly the type of people I am talking about) They just grow the hottest strain out there....... They have all this money, and all this space to do so many amazing things, but they just keep doing the same BORING stuff over and over and over. If they would really do it for the love of the plant, and because they truly enjoy what they're doing, then dont you think they would maybe try growing different strains?.... Starting from seed sometime, Instead of just growing clones because it's much easier... Do it for the passion of trying to find your own pheno, instead of having someone else pick it for you.. Take a try in breeding?... God, I LOVE everything about growing, and what I would do to have warehouses like that to grow in... They could afford to grow a few different strains and still make a profit.. They dont have to go for the highest yielding or the strain that brings in the most profit all the time...... If i had what they had, I would be trying to make my own NEW trendy strain by experimenting.....They just do it for the money... Plain and simple....They dont care about no "patients"... they could at least do 10 or so different strain plants, and the rest of the 40 could be Blue Dream if they want.

Bunch of 1 trick ponies that use the whole advanced nutrients line, and think they're pro's already.... To tell you the truth I think growers who buy the whole line like that... It's pretty much just growing for dummies imo. A fool proof way of getting great grows, and having everything done for you already..(they even "ph perfect" the shit for you if you use their line...But of course they have to pay big bucks if they want it easy.. So "Big Mike" is pretty much showing them how its done! (again.... I'm not just talking about 1 person, or 1 thing I hate..... I'm pretty much rambling about several things..... Sorry... I'm really not an asshole or anything, but alot of these people talk a big game, and say stuff like "I grow the frostiest nugs on youtube" which is bs... And what I hate the most are all these ass kissers that are all over them, and tell them that shit!.... So it all goes to their head, and they really start believing what the people tell them.... But I think most of those people leaving comments and kissing ass, are the same people who pay retail price for medical marijuana, and think that growing weed is next to impossible... They maybe tried once, and failed, and never tried again, so they think you have to be this genius to grow frosty ass weed, but There are SO MANY people out there that are growing for the first time, and they can have results just as good as some of these growers.... I've seen it.... I've done it.... All you need to do is a little research, and go into this open minded, and listen to people, ya know?.... There is so much free advice out there, and places like here on RIU..

Ok.... Done ranting.... I promise....

Anyone else hate anything else from people on the tube?....lol..... Sorry.... I just speak the truth, and how I see it..
I just happened upon this, and think your on the money bro!!