A New Chapter, 45 watt LED light, Feminized seeds, CFLs


Well-Known Member
This is my 5th grow attempt. My 2nd and 3rd were successful, with one plant each producing smokeable bud.

I just ordered the 45 watt LED light GlowPanel from Amazon for $140 including 1-3 day shipping.

I have a light-tight room with good aeration where I can put the plants, and plenty of space for raising and lowering the lights.

I also ordered, from The Attitude Seed Bank, Barneys LSD Feminized. They have a conversion to US dollars, and for 5 seeds it was $60. With international air fair it came to about $74 and I've heard they deliver in 2-3 weeks.

I have ONE "Monster Bud" seed left from an old purchase so when I get my light this weekend I'll start growing it, while I wait for my FEMINIZED seeds.

Cool thing about Attitude, they gave me two free different feminized seeds (well, there was no quantity listed but I assume it's one each, if they're fem), so I got a total of 7 fems which makes me feel better as with shipping that's about $10/seed. If you figure conservatively I'll grow at least 3 to bud, and my smoking habits are such that one crappily-grown plant (using my growing history as a guide) supplies 2 weeks of smoke, I get 1.5 months of smoke for $75, whereas I used to pay $60 for 1/2 month of smoke.

The cost in savings? Not much.

The cost in grower experience?



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention: ordering from Attitude was really easy from the US: I just gave them my ATM/VISA bank card information, just like I would if ordering from Amazon.


Well-Known Member
They arrived earlier, stealth was fine, I got my 5 Barney's LSD and 2 freebies, fem sour cream and fem ufo.

Still have to set everything up and install a hook in the ceiling with a chain to hang the light from.

I may start the seeds in the incubator tomorrow.

I got the seeds from Attitude seed bank in less than 2 weeks and ordering online with my ATM/VISA was easy and it showed up in my check register as something inconspicuous, can't remember what, but stealth is maintained. Very happy with this company and will definately order from them again.

I will have pics in a few days when I set everything up.

Also I haven't mentioned but conversation is welcome on this thread so feel free to ask questions or contribute.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man, glad to hear you got your seeds, I am looking to get some very soon from them

I am using a LED light also, welcome and good luck on the grow



Well-Known Member
Re-installed my hook since I had just screwed it into the drywall of the ceiling. Without tools, I just the anchor for the new hook and squirmed it in the hole til it was big enough. Now the hook is more secure.

Thank you Curtis and Odin for the comments, I will have pics soon; today is Tuesday and I expect the babies will hatch by this weekend.

Then it's watching them closely not to over-light or over-water.

I may set my timer for 18 hours instead of 24 while they're small. Any comments on this are welcome!


Well-Known Member
Under my LED GloLight, after 2 days a baby has already broken ground.

The light is about 6 inches above the grow plate, a plug-in thing which warms the grow structures.:fire:

You buy these soil-pellet things, expand them with boiling water, work them with your fingers, then put a seed inside them.

If you can't start a seed in here, it's not your fault-- the seed is dead. I tried this with some bagseed, which never grew though all my purchased seed always grew; I thought about why-- I realized the person who sold me the bagseed was in the habit of freezing his cannabis-- seeds, and all, so I was trying to grow frozen seeds, already dead-- busted out from ice crystals.

So anyways, I have this plug-in thing which warms the little dirt pods with my seeds in them and you have to keep the thing moist, because it's constantly heating it, mildly.

In other climes you would water less but here on the west coast, even as of this early November, we're reaching temperatures in the 90's so I have to find a fine line between over-watering and over-heating.



Active Member
When the LEDs are turned off, they fade strangely, red last to go. I have some pics here. Also my avatar in playstation Home.
Hello - I don't want to burst your bubble, but unfortunately in my opinion you have spent your money on a fairly low-powered unit, which I doubt will make you satisfied. Although the so-called UFO LEDs are only twice the wattage - 90 watts, they utilize 90- one watt LEDs, and provide a huge bang, compared to those 45 watt panels, with about 112 LEDs.
I'd say return it, if you can - and put your money into an UFO. You can get one, for the same money on eBay - or, if returning is not an option, use the little panel for your babies, and get a UFO or two, for your flowering. My friend has one of those 45 watt panels, and it's nowhere near strong enough for flowering - unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
You had every intent of bursting my bubble. What a waste of words. I looked up your UFO and it's supremely expensive. I'm growing medicine, Player. I'm not growing some garden of weed to sell to people.

I have a feeling that the light I bought will be just fine for growing medicine for myself.

Of course, your comments are always welcomed.

Here's your smiley::)


Active Member
Hello - sorry you didn't like my information. I have to correct you on 'supremely expensive' regarding the UFO. I have three of them, all through eBay, varying in price from $125 to $160 delivered, which is roughly what you paid - right.
Other than that, my comment was rather to steer you in the right direction, not put down your efforts. I speak from first hand experience. Best of luck to you. I'll follow the thread, to see how it goes - and if you are interested, you can look up my thread - LED grow - I have 10 sprouts as of today, under the UFO, and I'll be posting pictures as we go along.


Well-Known Member
They were stretching, and as usual I did at least two things, so I don't know which variable helped the most, or if both did.

I put some floros real close because it seemed like the girls didn't have enough light.

You can see this in the pics below.

They stayed the same for a few days, and I wondered if I was over-watering, but whenever I would come home at night their little turd-clod thing was all dry, so I would water it, from water I'd had sittin around.

After enough of this, and them not growin, I had this idea:

I looked at the LED light assembly and had the idea that maybe it shouldn't be so close; because the LEDs were spaced apart, maybe the plant would do better with the LEDs higher-- or, as in the literature, 6-12 inches above.

I resolved to try this.



Well-Known Member
Hello - sorry you didn't like my information. I have to correct you on 'supremely expensive' regarding the UFO. I have three of them, all through eBay, varying in price from $125 to $160 delivered, which is roughly what you paid - right.
Other than that, my comment was rather to steer you in the right direction, not put down your efforts. I speak from first hand experience. Best of luck to you. I'll follow the thread, to see how it goes - and if you are interested, you can look up my thread - LED grow - I have 10 sprouts as of today, under the UFO, and I'll be posting pictures as we go along.
Ugh, where is my reply that I don't want to spend all that wattage and heat or buy something off eBay? Why are you bothering? Go to threads where people like you. "Steer you in the right direction"-- as if you knew anything about my situation... what are you, a fascist? Low wattage, low heat. Leave.


Well-Known Member
So the babies got their first real 2nd set of leaves, and they're supposed to be out of the seedling phase.

Sometime today I put each of them in pots, surrounded by some organic outdoor potting soil, and I didn't water them as they appear to still be slightly moist. Worried about stem rot, and all that.

I packed the dirt around them so they could stand tall, because I know when I add water tomorrow, they need to stand up.

I put them under only the LED lights, and didn't water them, and tomorrow I will water around them with the water I've let sit outside, so that it dissipates all the chlorine and all that crap.

So I'm watching them for the next week and a half, after which I will switch to 12/12 lighting, purchasing some felt to put over the door to this room so that no light leakage occurs.

I read in the book that if you're growing under week lights, you should start flowering early, as weak lights will produce airy buds, and less of them.

The last time I grew under floros (but I think partially outside), there was pretty much one big bud and it was very airy.

So I'm looking for more dense buds, here.



Well-Known Member
This is a test to see if I can post; the other night I was unable to and I don't know if it's because of a Firefox upgrade or I'm being banned for being a jerk which I'll address if I can post.


Well-Known Member
First off sorry about the jerky posts I put it's because I get on here drunk without having eaten and I have blood-sugar problems and become a total jerk-face.

The whole reason I'm growing herb is to stop my addiction to alcohol and herb is the only thing which ever did it.

I have one pic of them from today; I shot with flash but they still appear discolored due to the presence of the LED. They're a dark green in color and appear very healthy with the new leaves growing to be bigger than the last, a good sign.

Original grow medium was those pellet things, which probably have minimal, if any, vitamins and minerals or whatever the food is called that plants need.

Soil around them is Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix, which I hear is mild, which is what I want.

I am uncertain if the roots have even passed the pellets at this stage, so uncertain what effect the soil will have when the roots start going there, but maybe they already have.

I water the plants with water from the tap which I allow to sit and aerate, to disperse chlorine. The last watering was today, 7 oz each plant. Next watering will be day after tomorrow (Thursday).

Light source is a single 45-watt LED GloLight, about 8 inches above the plants. As the plants gain height and get wider I may have to raise it as high as a foot to get the best dispersion. Because each LED in a bank has narrow dispersion, falloff from distance is better than that posed by using fluoros.

I will start the flowering phase as early as a week from now, as I want small plants with dense buds and I don't think the 18-watt fluoros I have would be enough to supplement light from the LEDs for a larger plant.



Well-Known Member
For some reason tonight I chanced to look up and noticed that the hook holding the light was threatening to come out of the ceiling (pics).

In the first pic, the closeup, you can see that an arm of the anchor has somehow come through the hole. This makes me think that for some reason, that arm never extended, so the hook has been holding the light with only one arm, and eventually uneven weight bearing on the still-folded arm caused it to finally start to come through the hole.

I couldn't re-drill a new hole to close to here, because that would weaken the integrity of that whole area and I didn't want to move my light farther to the left.

So I settled on an impromptu ghetto solution, which you see in the 2nd picture.

I put a hook in the horizontal wall near the ceiling and had enough chain that I was able to have this bear most of the weight; the edge of the light housing is flush with the wall. Some weight is still shared by the original hook, but not most. If this hook were to break, because the light is suspended in the center, forces in the absence of the center hook which would normall propel the light forward into the wall won't, because it's already touching the wall.



Well-Known Member
They're a little stretchy, but this LED is only 45 watts. Seems pretty good, considering. Notice the stem after leaves is a healthy green though the purple before them is some concern.

Wondering if I should add more soil, up to the lowest leaves, would this matter? The part of the stem after the leaves actually seems thicker than the stem itself...

Any feedback is welcome.

1st pic: girls under their light (fan is off)
2nd pic: the bigger one next to the door, 19 days from planting the seed. It was planted on Sunday and 'popped' on Tuesday night.

So going by the See More Buds book, I would be on about day 16, when he started flowering. But he waited for the leaves to go over the rim of the container, and I'm not there yet, maybe Sunday, or maybe Tuesday, exactly 3 weeks from 'pop'.



Well-Known Member
One pic below I shot on Saturday, I'm following the See More Buds book, he started his budding at 16 days after 'pop' and I started mine at 19.

I nailed 3" strips of dark brown felt over my door, so it would block light from here when I'm chillin.

Both plants had grown leaves over the boundaries of their holders, so I started 12/12.

They're higher and more stretchy than in the book, but they're also less indica than the strain in the book.

