a noob's journal


i have a few quick questions that many (90%) of you will find comical. but hey, im a noob at growing so i need all the criticism i can get.

i know ive started a thread before on other questions, i'm just gonna put all my questions in here for now on.

im on my first grow which is experimental. i'm on a budget so im not spending any $$ on it this year, but next year i'll be better prepared. im using leftover potting soil from the previous year that i didnt use. pretty good shit even though i forget the name. :wall:

i have an 11 day old from bagseed with 14 leaves on it not counting the round ones that first come out. i let it get all the light it needs outside during the day and then bring it in at night. the sun comes out clear at around 8am although its out much earlier than that. the sun is overhead all day long untill around 7-8 pm.

i take it outside every morning so it gets direct sunlight. i have to move it every evening about 5 feet so the sun is still facing it. at night, i take it inside and let it sleep. i sleep, then repeat.

sorry for the gigantic post, but here are my questions (finally)

-when flowering, im told to give 12/12 light cycle with NO light penetration during the dark hours. i was wondering if its possible to put a black trash bag, with holes for air in it for breathing, over her for the dark periods and take it off when it needs light?

-will the natural light cycle outside keep her from flowering? some days the weather is just shit. not sure if its exactly 12/12

for it not to have those badass grow lights, it still looks very healthy compared to some people's indoor grows (stretchy, droopy, disfigured). i'll be posting up pics asap.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I have heard of people that grow in pots outdoors that bring their plants in put in the closet for 12 hours at night. I have also heard about the trash bag thing but I wouldnt do it. Would u like to sleep in a trash bag? lol If you chose outdoors for the most part you chose to wait till fall until it blooms.


Active Member
i have a few quick questions that many (90%) of you will find comical. but hey, im a noob at growing so i need all the criticism i can get.

i know ive started a thread before on other questions, i'm just gonna put all my questions in here for now on.

im on my first grow which is experimental. i'm on a budget so im not spending any $$ on it this year, but next year i'll be better prepared. im using leftover potting soil from the previous year that i didnt use. pretty good shit even though i forget the name. :wall:

i have an 11 day old from bagseed with 14 leaves on it not counting the round ones that first come out. i let it get all the light it needs outside during the day and then bring it in at night. the sun comes out clear at around 8am although its out much earlier than that. the sun is overhead all day long untill around 7-8 pm.

i take it outside every morning so it gets direct sunlight. i have to move it every evening about 5 feet so the sun is still facing it. at night, i take it inside and let it sleep. i sleep, then repeat.

sorry for the gigantic post, but here are my questions (finally)

-when flowering, im told to give 12/12 light cycle with NO light penetration during the dark hours. i was wondering if its possible to put a black trash bag, with holes for air in it for breathing, over her for the dark periods and take it off when it needs light?

yes you could but black plastic would create high humidity , which isn;t good at all in flowering as it would incourage mould and fungus.It would be better to use a cardboard box.

-will the natural light cycle outside keep her from flowering? some days the weather is just shit. not sure if its exactly 12/12

are you growing in the uk? and no crap weather will inhibit growth but won't make then revert to back to veg.

for it not to have those badass grow lights, it still looks very healthy compared to some people's indoor grows (stretchy, droopy, disfigured). i'll be posting up pics asap.
do, pics would help

p.s you can flower outside but rainy, humid weather can greatly increase bud mould, i take it your putting the plant in your garden, your better off putting it into a greenhouse

hope that helps


bobby, im in virginia, usa. hot summers and usually dry winters but this year is supposed to be wet as hell. and initially i just planned on it using outside light and keep them warm enough inside the house, but if something comes along i'll move it to somewhere.

wouldnt holes in the bag let out any humidity within? yeah i kno it sounds farfetched.

dont let me get too far ahead of myself, i still have a long ways to go before i should worry. pics will be up tomorrow hopefully so u guys can get an idea of wut im workin with

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
bobby, im in virginia, usa. hot summers and usually dry winters but this year is supposed to be wet as hell

wouldnt holes in the bag let out any humidity within? yeah i kno it sounds farfetched.

id like to keep them inside but my house is old as shit and too much dust in the closet. could all this dust fuck up a plants life lol ?

pics will be up tomorrow hopefully so u guys can get an idea of wut im workin with
vaccum ur house u lazy sob lol


I have heard of people that grow in pots outdoors that bring their plants in put in the closet for 12 hours at night. I have also heard about the trash bag thing but I wouldnt do it. Would u like to sleep in a trash bag? lol If you chose outdoors for the most part you chose to wait till fall until it blooms.
good, so i wasnt as crazy as i thought!