A proper us to uk plug converter?


Active Member
Hi guys, just purchased a bubblbagdude bubble hash machine, but it's obviously came with a US 3 pronged plug, is there a safe way to convert this to a uk plug , because the adaptors I've seen only have small wattage and are used for things like phones and stuff and UK plugs operate on a different voltage and stuff.

Basically is there a good adaptor for this or would it be like a re-wiring job?

many thanks.


Active Member
I was thinking that, but don't know enough about electricity to know if it would be safe , because the adaptors say only for use with small appliances. :l

But just looked at the back of the washer and it has a label , 2 secs i'll get a pic


Active Member
Does that mean it will be safe with just a normal UK adapter because it's rated washing input power is 240w? So crap at this kind of stuff


Well-Known Member
You will need a converter for the voltage step-down; UK is 230V. The simple plug types are just a physical change for devices that can take a range of voltages.


Well-Known Member
a 240W one is gonna set you back some... I think getting a 110V Inverter and a beefy 12V supply might do the trick for the least amount of money.
THey only thing I ever needed to run that was 110V was the first PlayStation. I still have the stepdown transformer somewhere.