A public apology to the guys from the wife beaters thread!


Well-Known Member
That was my fault darling. I caught on to it mad late. Sorry bout that. I get it now, even though i ruined the joke. :lol:

Believe it or not, You can shop excessively and still be Nifty.... As long as you shop at Ross , TJ Maxx, Burlington coat factory.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEE ROSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite store in the whole damn world.. Dead serious.

hmm, another one bites the dust.... i don't get it.
the men want a woman who cooks and cleans but they don't want to bring home the bacon. :(

i was just kidding anyway, I don't care about any of that stuff. i make money and i don't shop a lot or spend excessively.


Well-Known Member
the men want a woman who cooks and cleans but they don't want to bring home the bacon. :(

i was just kidding anyway, I don't care about any of that stuff. i make money and i don't shop a lot or spend excessively.
I'd have trouble putting up with a big spender. I am very much a minimalist, or money hoarder if you prefer. To me, having money feels better than spending money.


Pickle Queen
In a perfect world, my man would make enough money to support the family so i can focus on taking care of it , i wish i could go back in times sometimes, then i remember how gross people were back then, ewwww, the past must have been a smelly place


Active Member
*brushing off pant leg*
...ms. bot, you owe me for my dry-cleaning, i think you spattered sarcasm all down my merino-blend trousers!...
Send me the bill! I can't believe this thread is still going! Damn, take a break to cook, bathe my kiddies, and do laundry and I come back to 4 pages of replies! LMFAO!


Moderatrix of Journals
In a perfect world, my man would make enough money to support the family so i can focus on taking care of it , i wish i could go back in times sometimes, then i remember how gross people were back then, ewwww, the past must have been a smelly place
rof just fucking guttin myself!!
i think the exact same thing! "why can't i go back in time.... can i bring the flush toilet and washer/dryer with me?"


Active Member
I am just in shock that noone has mentioned the fact that there was nothing to appologize about because I don't see ANYWHERE in that thread where someone was offended. We gave you shit right back and it SEEMS you were the one that has taken things the wrong way lol. It's ok, you have good sammich making skills I bet. Anyone will forgive someone when presented with a good sammich :D
I make a mean Sammie! Actually, I'm a really good cook! I love to spend a day in the kitchen listening to tunes and cooking. It's great, too cause the kids have dish duty, so I get to make a mess for THEM to clean up for a change!


Moderatrix of Journals
I make a mean Sammie! Actually, I'm a really good cook! I love to spend a day in the kitchen listening to tunes and cooking. It's great, too cause the kids have dish duty, so I get to make a mess for THEM to clean up for a change!
man, i cannot WAIT until mine's big enough for slave labour!!


Active Member
..... uh-oh, laughing out loud.... are you having another emotional outburst over there? ;)
I just can't seem to control those emotional outbursts of mine! And Mello, I guess I was taking everything the wrong way. I have to say these 2 threads have been a great tension reliever! Haven't laughed so much in a while! The terrible twos are whipping my but!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Botwin, I couldn't help myself in this thread. I'll stop now, but 1st gimme a free sample nug of that delicious herb :)

Send me the bill! I can't believe this thread is still going! Damn, take a break to cook, bathe my kiddies, and do laundry and I come back to 4 pages of replies! LMFAO!


Moderatrix of Journals
I just can't seem to control those emotional outbursts of mine! And Mello, I guess I was taking everything the wrong way. I have to say these 2 threads have been a great tension reliever! Haven't laughed so much in a while! The terrible twos are whipping my but!
.... a woman knows.....lol ;) you have more than one yes? is it better the second time around? i am racist against 2 yr olds now! ("geez, can't you just go hang with YOUR OWN KIND, who'll UNDERSTAND you?!?! ;)")

Sorry Botwin, I couldn't help myself in this thread. I'll stop now, but 1st gimme a free sample nug of that delicious herb :)
..... "and i promise i won't penny your rover...." ;)


Active Member
I have four kids. 19, 11, 6, and 2. The 6 y.o. Is my boy, all the rest are girls. I have to say, I am too old for to be chasing that little hellion around!


New Member
hmmmmm....It seems to me that if you don't want to be poisoned with pufferfish juice, you should just not beat your wife?

It's VERY clear which guys don't get much vajazzle on here.

I learned a long time ago to just say, "you're right honey. I'm sorry. I never looked at it that way."

It's the easiest way to make sure you get constant snizz thrown your way.

Mellokitty, you are fucking hilarious. :)


New Member
It's really not that hard. All my friends that say shit like "doood, I woulda told that bitch to blah blah blah.....", are the same friends that haven't been laid since high school and are constantly pounding off. HA.

Also, on a random side tangent.....What's up with those dudes that only want to hang with their bros and dawgs? I'm all for guy time here and there........BUT if you find a real woman that's the dopesauce.....It's like having a best friend. A best friend with a very touchable Nonni. Am I missing something here?


Well-Known Member
Some men are gay or Bi-curious. The "in between land" where they aren't sure if they prefer the Cocka-doodle-dooo! or Pussy-willow.
me personally, I love my fiancées Body parts and I'm naturally attracted to her pheromones. Some people are gay by genetics. I Firmly believe that some how, some way, men that are gay are naturally attracted to men because if they had a choice why would they choose to be gay when they have to put up with Gay bashing and the torture of overly testosterone driven, Homophobic men that may have gay tendencies thus creating a monster that feels the need to reassure everyone in the room they are in fact in love with Chocha even though most people would assume they are straight unless the "spider senses" start tingling telling me they may be wired to love the same sex.

Phewww, did that make any sense?.. cuzz it sure seem to make sense to me.

It's like having a best friend. A best friend with a very touchable Nonni. Am I missing something here?