A question about ma little darlings?

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Hi There,
Was wondering....My little darlings are in 3 inch cubes as you can see in my earlier post and doing fine the first few roots have started to come out the bottom of the 3 inch cube HooRah, im keeping the cubes moist but not wet and opening the lids on the prop for a little while( for a bit of fresh air)So now i need to know, if poss,

1.When i can start to show them the light without the cover on top of the propergator if at all?

2. when can i start to give them a little veg feed, really diluted alot! (ill use the same feed as im going to be giving them throughout the grow) or maybe its best not to?
and do i feed them by misting or direct to the cube trying to keep the bottom of the cube fairly dry so as to encourage root growth.

Thankyou as always.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi tony,
I am writing from my black berry and I can't see any pictures..... But in general, rooted clones should not be covered at all... the only reason that clones are covered is to maintain moisture... Plants loose 99% of the water they drink through their leaves (transpiration)...and since non rooted clones can not drink water (very well) domes are used to help them retain water... But now that your kids have roots, and they can drink water, you don't need to worry about keeping the moisture in... They will surely begin to mold if you continue to keep them covered ...


tony maglone

Well-Known Member
i do apologise i didnt make that clear, they are from seed so they only have there baby leaves and a couple of others.


Well-Known Member
You can start giving them light right now! I would wait to give them veg food untill they are about 30 days old. And even then dilute it quite a bit, more then the recommended.


Well-Known Member
Yeap the domes have done their job. If you continue to use them you are inviting mold and other slimy things.

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Great thanks yet again, so heres where im at so im gonna leave the domes off like u said and leave the cfl as close as pos to avoid too much stretching and shall i not give them feed until there in my hydro tank in a couple a weeks?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i would consider giving them a super diluted feeding (as you mentioned) in the next 5 days.

I would not water the cubes directly.. Just pour the diluted mixture into the tray (about 1/2 inch) and let the cubes absorb the diluted nutrient mixture..

It is very important that you PH your water.. I would set it a bit low in the begininig... around 6.0


thanks for the PICTURES!!!!!!!!

yes.. love

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
hi dont know if i need to worry just that since i took the lid off the propergator they dont look to hot what do u think notice the yellow bits,,is that normal due to being under the flouro?? What u think they look ok?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Tony

No that is not normal..

Did you soak your cubes in 5.o pH water before you used them?
You should soak your cubes from 1-24 hours in 5.0 water before you use them.

You need to make sure you are pHing your water .. I am 99% sure this is the problem..


Your plants will not die.. They will be fine as long as you start watering now with 6.0 water...

Thanks for the morning pictures :)

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Cheers for that Knowm.. Checked the PH in my spray and it was 5.3... soon sorted that out...Can i just ask when i have the water the correct ph will it stay like that or will it change again?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The old growth wmay remain jacked.. But the new growth wshould be GREEN and HEALTHY...

It will be no big deal..

keep the pictures coming and I will look closely.
