A question and a proposition.


Well-Known Member
First off I want to start out by saying, that I have been around for quite a while, but for personal reasons I am starting a new account.

So you may now know me as Shik. I have a few questions:

All of these points herein are very important to me, and I would appreciate every possible attempt anyone could produce to explain contradictions or emphasis, or additions to my ideas. I know these are not brand new ideas, but I would like the input of others upon this.

I have spoken to a few retired policemen and all seem to agree that the best way to get away with being pulled over while having a bit of Marijuana in the car with you and the patrol car just happening to be a k9 unit... (Or for some reason one is called :S) is to have the Pot in one fashion or another inside meat, or inside of a peanut butter jar...buried in the peanut butter.

If one were to want to move say even one [lb] they would need either a lot of meat, or a few jars of peanut butter (Which I think would look just as suspicious! Lol

So here is my question for anyone that has enough since to actually be able to determine whether or not this would work.

First a pre-write: Pungent Air tries to naturally expand, an item that puts off a pungent aroma tries to expel itself naturally. It produces whether it is dead or alive an aroma (that of Marijuana is what the Dogs detect and send us to jail).

So if we were to put say that 1[lb] in a Plexiglas container or some material that in no way allows air to pass through. (It obviously could not be permeable by any means. ) And we were to vacuum that container therefore removing all of the air from it. (It in my theory crafting does not have the ability to expel anything at all. It really only "taints" the air around it) So if a stalk of bud is in a container UN-permeable by air which we were to vacuum out completely, would it produce an aroma that a dog could detect? Or would the absence of "Air" keep the stalk from producing anything detectable?

I am curious because according to the men I spoke with kids have almost gotten away several times by just putting it in a cooler. The sealed container keeps the k9 from detecting the aroma. But after a while the smell starts to "seep" through either the walls, or the crack in the lid, I do not know. So if this almost works, obviously a container that has a perfect seal would work fine, but getting (and KEEPING) a perfect seal would not be easy.

Let me know what you guys think about this.

Too loud of a filtration system got me and my friends busted by our other roommate. Not a biggie but in our new place with our new roommate, we would like to avoid doing so again.

I need someway to obviously deter the smell that the plants will inevitably produce, and some way that is not too incredibly bad. Also, if at all possible I wish to recycle the air rather than run an exhaust out of the house, is this possible? This grow will go on in a closet that is about 8x4x9. The door will obviously be opened and closed throughout the day, but while we are sleeping, or while we are at work (Periods of 8 hours) the door will remain closed.

On our new grow we have not decided how we want to grow: aeroponics, hydroponics, or soil. But we most likely will use 2 gallon pots and go with the soil. The soil is just a compound soil rich in nothing at all, mostly just dirt. While we will be using the standard nutrients for vegging, 12-12-15 I believe? I can not remember the numbers, we will be using my families OWN fertilzer. It is an all natural fertilizer rich in absolutely everything. It also rips the Arsenic, and heavy metals out of water/soil, and binds them to itself. I am interested to see how it affects marijuana. We will be using some Blueberry something another that he bought.

This will be a CFL grow. I would say, because of the extreme heat the HPS produces, the extra money for the ballast, the extra need for ventilation, we will be sticking with the CFL's.

Another question, I have been for a very long time in progress of setting up a massive grow room. One thing I know that is going to give me hell is the electric bill. So I am curious, being on a boat for most of my childhood, I had the idea that I want to see what people think of. If I were to get enough solar panels, run them to a charger, have them charging big 12d batteries used by RV's and Boats, then had the batteries ran to a AC-DC converter. And had the HPS lights running off of them maybe just a few hours a day, or however long the batteries could hold a charge with large of a draw on them. It could dramatically help with the electric bill, but I am however a Computer Engineer, not an electrician. I could I am sure find out whether the loss of energy would be inefficient, or calculate whether or not it would be possible to harness enough power to push a HPS light. Probably at a minimum of 300w lights. I would say probably and most likely I will be using 450-500watts though. What do you guys think? Does anyone know whether it would be plausible? I almost think that is rhetorical however, being that free energy is free energy. I have access to many solar panels, enough to cover the roof of most peoples homes. I would just like some input.