A question for Mr. Subcool


Well-Known Member
Maybe he will tell you right after you post your federal tax return here,whats fair is fair after all...
how is that fair. i'm only asking if he pays his taxes for TGA Subcool seeds. not how much he pays.

the reason being i want to see an example of how the federal government feels about a company in their country selling medical cannabis seeds.

Doper Dan

Hmmm? There are ?s you just dont ask .I think it would be wise to ask ?s people will answer.I am not saying your a cop or anything(probably a cool dude) but there is too much "Grey Area" right now.~~DD~~

Doper Dan

There has been some funny stuff going on...I was on lol another medical marijuana social media network.I had a random guy send me private messages trying to get me to ship him TGA Gear down to portland.claiming some sob story on how he cant find any beans safely.the guy bugged me for days until I told him nicely that it is a federal crime to transport seeds or mail them to him.considering that im not in oregon.shady shady


Active Member
This type of comment is definitely not welcome here. Also, expect a little of a disturbance when you come in here and ask questions that sounds like a cop would ask. Most people aren't going to trust you after asking suspicious questions about their favorite breeder.


Well-Known Member
So he.can talk shit to me about what scent douch i wear.but when i defend myself my post gets deleted. Thats cool.
dude i apoloigized to you before and i would like to do so again. i was stoned and it was pretty funny at the time but i meant no disrespect. i think the bottom line is we are all still in a position as growers, breeders, etc... that makes us nervous when people like yourself make comments like your running an investigation. what we are doing in this country is still federaly illegal and regardless of wether we pay taxes or how good of people we are, there is still a very real risk that any of us could be arrested at any point for doing what we love to do. just something to keep in mind.