A question for society - is this bitch too young?

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Well-Known Member
LOL I hope he gets the clap, or the wee little bitch gets pregnant. Then he can have a 16 year old wife! Oh wait, only gays get married now?


Well-Known Member
Could all this anger and hatred be a compensation for repressed thoughts that one's self deem "wrong"? I've always wondered that one. Kinda like the closet gay football captain that beats up the openly gay kids. Just sayin ;)
was wondering the same thing on my chill out break.


or maybe he wanted to get some opinions from people that dont know him, thus unbiased and truthful with their opinion.


Well-Known Member
or maybe he wanted to get some opinions from people that dont know him, thus unbiased and truthful with their opinion.
Yes, of course. Noone has ever heard of a story like this before in their life. Thank you Internet for always making new stuff up. Some kind of shit shouldn't be talked about here. Like a felon talking about how he's on the run from the law and shit. Yes I read a thread yesterday, some user with a Shiva avatar was talking about life on the run, on the internet! WTF!!!!!


Well-Known Member
maybe I was hoping to find a few kind hearts that enjoy helping troubled minds. I've been helping people out for years and I have to admit I'm starting to feel a little crazy but I'm hoping its just the situation and the emotional drain of my ex.

You guys really helped me out. I read between the "PEDOPHILE CLOSE THIS THREAD" posts and got some legit help. I feel a lot better, I'm sorry I wasted your time and clogged up your mind with this shit, believe there is a whole lot more to it but you got the guts and you stitched me up.

As far as selling to kids....her friend....is 23.....if you cannot fucking read. And I am not biased to selling weed to people who smoke up their friends.


Well-Known Member
furthermore, that 15 year old gives better shotguns than anyone. Ever.

And I thought I was good at it. Never had a girl that could do it(right).


Well-Known Member
maybe I was hoping to find a few kind hearts that enjoy helping troubled minds. I've been helping people out for years and I have to admit I'm starting to feel a little crazy but I'm hoping its just the situation and the emotional drain of my ex.

You guys really helped me out. I read between the "PEDOPHILE CLOSE THIS THREAD" posts and got some legit help. I feel a lot better, I'm sorry I wasted your time and clogged up your mind with this shit, believe there is a whole lot more to it but you got the guts and you stitched me up.

As far as selling to kids....her friend....is 23.....if you cannot fucking read. And I am not biased to selling weed to people who smoke up their friends.
I feel some of where you are coming from. But a few kind hearts on RIU is like finding a few in New York City! We are Millions, and many of us are pissy individuals when it comes down to taking advantage of stupid ass 15 year olds. This girl grew up too fast and just being in the moment with her is more like you letting a Sorceress take control of you! She totally got you man. A little girl and her puss! That's like a bittersweet victory for any ballsack, and can finish like the World Trade Center, a big conspiracy and lots of death! But one good thing to say, being noble enough to write a public story is better than running away from your situation, like many a penises would have done in your shoes. I would have left to mexico... maybe.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I know you dont like me, but hear me out. 15 is still a kid. I know, she seems more mature, but she's just a kid. I look back to when I was a 15 year old girl, and back then, (even though ive never had a bf), I thought I was ready for what the world had to offer. i thought older guys would be better. Ive changed so much from 15 to 18 that I dont even recognize the person that I was at 15 as myself. And Im still young.
Ive been seeing a dude (not dating, but ya know), and he's 6 years older than me, or rather, 5 years and 5 months older than me. And he is a great friend, a great guy... I never felt this way about anyone before. Not even all the other guys Ive ever talked to or formed some sort of attachment to. He's been all my firsts, except wont sleep with me.
I can see where you are coming from, how much you want her well, but unless she's my age or older, she wont be able to handle the reality of being with someone much older. There is a certain kind of weird disconnect when my 24 year old man friend talks about going out to bars, etc... where as Im approaching 19 and havent lived that much yet.
Please give it and her time, she will change.
but you're not a bad man for wanting her
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