a question of foliar feeding


Well-Known Member
IMHO i would let the plant get a bit bigger before you start bombarding it with nutes! Just use distilled water to be safe.....you burn it....it could be over.....ya know!


Well-Known Member
i agree yo should definitely wait till its bigger b4 you foliar feed with nutes, but plain water foliar sprays wont hurt it.


Well-Known Member
I foliar feed and I would say that you should be able to introduce nutes to the leaves about the same time you introduce it to the roots.


Well-Known Member
ya wait till you have at least four fully developed leaves, or at least thats what i do, then I introduce nutes very slowly as the plant grows. MJ can handle a lot of nutes but only if she is built up to it, the bigger the plant the more you can use too.....when you first mix, do a 1/4 of the recommended dosage, then as the plant goes you can work it up to full and even go over if you gots the loot. Some ferts are designed for MJ growing and so then you would pretty much follow their regiment.

newb weed grower

Active Member
well to be honest i have some exsperience on the subject of murder of a poor plant lol
but i needed thaT answered because i want my lil thing to take off
to be honest im the sorta guy that will check his plant ounce an hour im kind of obbsessive
and i havent smoked in 3 weeks getting a job lol
but yah i just wanted to see what to do


Well-Known Member
It won't hurt the plants because they won't take in anymore than they need, not if you're foliar feeding. The only thing you have to worry about, is underestimating it's effectiveness, then giving it too much fert in the soil, causing fert burn. Foliar feeding is claimed to be 8-10x more efficient than root uptake, of nutrients, which would make it pretty easy to sustain a vegging plant, on foliar alone.

I'd like to do an experiment someday, and try feeding a plant with nothing but foliar feed. It'd be cool to see what kind of results you would get, discovering if you could sustain them til harvest(and healthy). Hmmm.....


Well-Known Member
I Use Canna A & B http://www.canna-uk.com/coco_a_b along with Rhizotonic http://www.canna-uk.com/rhizotonic Growing in Coco , So far i only ever mist my plants with PH ballenced water and i have been wondering about maybe adding some Rhizotonic to the mix to spray .

Anyone using the same system ?...do you use just Rhizo ... or allso the A & B ? ... My plants are about 5 weeks in veg atm and doing really well ... But if an advantage is to be gained by feeding the foliar i would like to know about it :)

Thanks :)

newb weed grower

Active Member
hey if i break one nute in my water bottle will that be ok i mean that would be a very tiny amount and would be ok for a tiny lil thing

newb weed grower

Active Member
ill run ur exspiriment for u man ill make a single plant that is nothing but foliar fed if i t works me and u might just stsart something