**A Question of Yield**2010


hey guys i just joined this forum about 2 months ago and i've been attempting to grow for 3 years and failed in the process, so this year i feel like i have enough knowledge to pull through hopefullyy..so i wanted to ask the famous **YIELD** question,see i have a spot were i chopped out all the veg. in the surrounding area and it is probly the best spot for sunlight,i mean its perfect!..its about a 20ft radius all around and well protected by thorns, i've plant about 45 seeds 1 foot away from each other so i can weed out the bad sprouts and males, so im expecting to get at least 15 females after taking into account the factors of weather and maybe deer (hopefully no deerr ;'[[) so i was wondering how much yield should i expect from least to greatest any replies are welcome plzz help me! :joint:-Tha kidd


Well-Known Member
It's really hard to tell...Alot of them could not survive if as they are being grown from seed. Taking into account what type of soil you will be using. Are you using natural soil or store bought? It's hard to predict how many males or females as well so until you weed them out choose the strongest females it will be impossible to tell yield. But if you were to get 10 nice healthy females you could yield anwheres from 1 lb-6 lbs but probably less since it is your first grow.


Well-Known Member
yea man ur better of starting them out in cups/paper bags and transplanting them to your area, most wont take if u let seedling feel the wrath of mother nature. Be aware u will have seeded bud unless u plan on coming back and kiling the males


Well-Known Member
yea if u have good conditions and no one robs ur plants u can easily harvest huge amounts outdoors. If your real serious/legit you can get this output indoors but needs alot more work


i have nutrients and i brought soil to the spot,also im gonna try my best and put multiple defenses up to protect from deer,and small animals..and yes im planning on weeding out the males mos deffinatly because the main reason i planted so many was so i can get a decent amout of females through the bulk of the plants so any tips i will accept at this point thx for the reply guys! -Thakidd