A sad day this week


Well-Known Member
So, some of you may know that I am in nursing school in my final semester and that during this time I have to spend schooltime doing nursing care in a clinical setting (hospital) called... naturally... Clinicals!

On My second clinical day of the week I cared for a man who was totally wasting away from complications of throat cancer. The poor man was skin and bones and unable to eat anything from the pain. We tend to take for granted all the things that we have. Even the most mundane and natural things that we have like the ability to eat a good meal... This guy obviously hadn't had that pleasure in quite some time and it was heartbreaking to see what his illness had done both to him and his family. Even more devestating is the fact that I have had the joy of using a medicine that could take this man's pain away and even put a little fat on this man's frame which would further allieviate the painful bed sores that his condition predisposes him to.

It is so fucked up that I live in a state that can't see the benefit of a plant that could help the world in so many ways. It would certainly help this man's world, but, alas, it is condemned and avoided at all costs. In the segments of lecture where we discuss substance abuse, I sat there in utter disbelief hearing the weed fear-mongering that I, as a future nurse, am being groomed to peddle even though I have full and intimate knowledge of it as a beautiful thing.

Well, I will just let the whole sloppy shitfest go once I step out of that hospital door. I'll go home, smoke up, and figure how I can keep my life going happily with me my woman and my brain spinach. Sorry to take so much of y'alls time but I just had to vent.



Well-Known Member
I can relate to your story. I have a similar one....Cancer, sister, 26....gone. I too, had the disease...horrible. During my period of fighting with this disease I can honestly say that marijuana kept me going, as well as my sister. Our Doctor told us both to smoke it, along with yoga and meditation. Not everyone in the medical industry believes marijuana is 'evil' I was actually surprised of how many recommended it to us. You will find the group of professionals that share this belief, and then you can share yours as well.
Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I look forward to meeting other medical professionals with the same point of view. It is very difficult to find them here in the South. Most of my colleagues are single, head of family, older, black females. This leads them to be very antidrug and even the risk of losing your license because of an "impromptu" drug test further kills ones chances of even running into one let alone a group. Sadly, I could even lose my license for recommending it. The conservative nature of the South is pretty stifling for any kind of professional, I gather.

But still thank you so much for your reply, Sunny. I am sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
Has been a sad day for the 420 community where i live as well, a well known grower died in a car accident early this morning. The fucked up thing is that i am told he was sober at the time.