A Very Experienced Tripper Needs Advice.


Well-Known Member
me and my girlfriend feel like its perfect weather in the forecast tomorrow so we are deciding to drop
about 175 micrograms - 250 micrograms. each.

they are 1/8" by a 1/4". I think I will take to so a full 1/4 by 1/4.
my favorite dosage.
if its quality LSD, I will get the exact effects I desire
and I will go through that breaking point with this dose.

Im sooo excited!!!

even though I have tripped many of times.
I am trying to figure out the best day and trip possible.

like I said, the weather is going to be perfect.
I suggested longboarding for a little bit with my girl but she doesnt sound up for it
and longboarding is one of my most favorite things to do while on L.
also we may for sure going hiking or on a long walk.
I just want to have a plan by plan set up so we wont ever be caught at home, sitting there "uhhhhhh....what should we do?"
cuz my girl is very indecisive.

but what would you all suggest to go do with a head full of acid on a beautiful, spring day with your love?
I know what I would love to do with my wife. But it would have to be later in the summer. Find a beach where bio-luminescent phytoplankton show up at night. It's amazing to see sober.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey that sounds perfect ... although taking that dosage around an
indecisive person could trip me right out :)

You know your limits ... do you know HERs ?
Figure that out and you'll know what to do !



Well-Known Member
The Fish nailed it, though Dave has some interesting ideas :lol:. On account of the indecision, seems like well thought out plan will need to be devised to avoid any "uhhh"s and "ummm"s. If she's not into the idea of too much physicalness for that day, try and come up with a less exertive activity that you both enjoy. A stroll through the great outdoors can never be topped! Are you planning on travelling at all? Getting away from the city lights to uncoil the unobstructed night sky is one of my favourite things ever. Damn, camping is a surefire winner anytime with My Lover. There something powerful about it.


First off, Everytime ive done acid with a female partner, Ive given her a half dose of what i took. Imo women find LSD way more intense then men.
Find a nice mountain creek, walk up it and find those sunny rock pools and jump in . Take fruit and water. Hug a few tree's. Have wild "me Tarzan you Jane" jungle sex. Its awesome. LOL


Well-Known Member
#1 rule DONT be indecisive. You wanna wake board go for it. Don't let thoughts boggle you down. Simply live for the day CARPE DIEM. And if your chick get finicky at that point you must at all due reasons put her in her place ;)


Active Member
Painting, coloring, drawing is fun. Especially if it's large. Children's coloring books are also fun to have around. Doing some henna on each other or face painting can be a segway into more intimate parts of the adventure. Enjoy!

btw, women on the most part are indecisive, that's our job,... being the man with the plan, running menu's, observing their emotional reactions and making decisions.

They just want to be led and have a good time.


Well-Known Member
Painting, coloring, drawing is fun. Especially if it's large. Children's coloring books are also fun to have around. Doing some henna on each other or face painting can be a segway into more intimate parts of the adventure. Enjoy!

btw, women on the most part are indecisive, that's our job,... being the man with the plan, running menu's, observing their emotional reactions and making decisions.

They just want to be led and have a good time.
Spoken like a true gentleman :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Painting, coloring, drawing is fun. Especially if it's large. Children's coloring books are also fun to have around. Doing some henna on each other or face painting can be a segway into more intimate parts of the adventure. Enjoy!

btw, women on the most part are indecisive, that's our job,... being the man with the plan, running menu's, observing their emotional reactions and making decisions.

They just want to be led and have a good time.
Wow .... where abouts do i order 10 of such indecisive women !!
Could you send me a link to a website ?
I could start on my 'cult' ...

