Aaaargh! Help! Spider Mites And Harvest!


Guys, need your advice here.

While checking the trichomes on my buds, I noticed that about 50-60% are milky. So it won't be long (couple of days or so I think) before
they're around 80% milky and ready to harvest.

But while checking them, I noticed a few brown and black spots on the leaves. On further inspection with a microscope, it turns out
they are spider mites!!

But plants are almost ready for harvest, as I said above.

I have an organic treatment for the mites. What do you more experienced guys think:

1 -- Harvest in day or two without treating the mites. Or...

2 -- Treat the mites and go ahead and harvest as intended in the same time frame?

If I harvested without treating the mites, would they damage the finished weed?

Any help very, very appreciated guys.


Well-Known Member
depending on how bad its infested, yes it could damage. if u saw lot of spidermite under leaves and, even on leaves, i would say cut them now... if not , u can wait . never treat your plant in flower. clean your room and every plant after u harvested. i recommand end all from safer, very effective,safe and cheap.

Cap'n Jack

Predator mites if you aren't infested bad. Mighty Wash is also pretty damn good.
However, being so close to done, I'd chop 'em.


I think its a pretty bad infestation. Not a lot of actual mites, but plenty of what looks like eggs. So it could get really
bad I think. I asked a guy in the hydro shop if its ok to treat with the spray he gave me. He said it would be ok, wouldn't
have any adverse effects and that what he gave me was odorless and wouldn't affect the buds.

I just don't want to harvest and then the mites damage the buds during the drying process and thereafter. Is that something
that could happen?


Active Member
Do a pre harvest trim now, get all fan leaves with eggs off and in the bin. I gave myself a small bud root issue after spraying neem closer to harvest as i was in the same situation as you.... thought i might have some mites on buds drying but haven't seen any sign of them on the harvested stuff...

Spraying anything close to harvest is risky and not recommended, but i made the call to do so anyway, luckily i was very close to harvest so i didn't lose too much bud to the rot. I probably wouldn't have treated but had another plant in mid flower in same space so needed to do something.

A good trim and check everyday if you can, i usually can spot the leaves with mites, larvae or eggs by the little white spots on the top of the leaf, i rub my finger sling the underside of those leaves with the intention of crushing the little fuckers..... Combination of all these things is helping me keep on top of them.....they're still around, its now population control rather than borderline infestation lol. Little shits


Well-Known Member
DONT spray with Chems...will be BAAD!! for you when you smoke it man...Feel for you though...i found the Lil Fu*kers on my ladies other week, used Neem oil then few days later Vitality+ seems to have worked, gotta keep checking..only good thing is I ain't flipped to 12/12 gonna hold off for couple weeks n keep checking


Hope you sort it m8


Thanks fellas, appreciate your help and advice. Think I'll hold off from treating them and just harvest it.
Trichs are looking good. I had a good look on the buds with microscope and didn't see any mites on the
buds. Just on the leaves.

I trimmed off a couple of buds few days ago and they're almost dry now.No signs of any problems and
it is looking awesome. Rock hard nuggs, stinky as hell. So I hope I don't lose anything or much from
the mites, it's really great bud.

I'll let you guys know how it goes from here on out. Fingers crossed it goes well for me.