Ability to serve


Well-Known Member
Suppose it was known that a presidential candidate had a dibilitating condition that leaves said candidate "incapacitated" for a couple of hours about once a week. Is that grounds for disqualifying that person as a candidate for the WH? I doubt that it is legally, but they don't belong in the race do they?

It was revealed today that Michelle Bachmann has migraines that incapacitate her at least once a week. They sound pretty bad. Surely we can't afford to have the cheif executive incapacitated during a crisis.

Full disclosure: I can't stand the bitch.


ROFL... damn straight! And I would say if you can't join the army if you have flat feet, then you shouldnt be considered as president if you regularly are unable to fulfill your duties because of a medical condition. Of course, thats common sense, and we all know that has no place in politics :)


Well-Known Member
Kennedy was sick and wouldn't have got elected had people known-
You shouldn't bring out any bad news about R.P.'s health as doing so would be a disservice to our country.


Well-Known Member
Kennedy was sick and wouldn't have got elected had people known-
You shouldn't bring out any bad news about R.P.'s health as doing so would be a disservice to our country.
How is disclosing whether or not one is healthy enough to be POTUS a "disservice to our country"? Is it because that hurts RP's chances?


edit: Wow.


Well-Known Member
ROFL... damn straight! And I would say if you can't join the army if you have flat feet, then you shouldnt be considered as president if you regularly are unable to fulfill your duties because of a medical condition. Of course, thats common sense, and we all know that has no place in politics :)
The longest serving president in the United States history was paralyzed from the waist down.


Well-Known Member
I don't think confinement to a wheelchair would be considered incapacitated as it regards ability to serve in the office. Something which causes intense pain for hours, mental anguish, possible hallucinations...different story.

I know about that latter symptom. I am fortunate in that I do not experience migraines. However, I do frequently have what my optomitrist calls "optical migraines", aka migraine aura. It is a certain physical feeling (not pain really, just sort of a rush) accompanied by distorted vision. It often occurs just before or during a migraine, I've read. For me, the headache part never comes but the event eerily lasts exactly the same amount of time every time (27 min). Very weird. I can go a few months without a single episode, or I can have it happen twice in the same day/week.

There's a lot on the net about this. Some artists have even drawn what they see during these episodes. I found one that shows and describes exactly what I see when it happens to me. A distinct pattern that floats around the field of vision.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think i have to agree on a common sense basis. You can't have a commander in chief who might suddenly have to go home and have a nap in the middle of crisis talks with Iran or such :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think i have to agree on a common sense basis. You can't have a commander in chief who might suddenly have to go home and have a nap in the middle of crisis talks with Iran or such :lol:
The campaign trail for elections is rigorous. I couldn't really see somebody in that condition actually being able to have a successful campaign, but who knows?


Well-Known Member
haha yeah. she said she uses prescription medication to take care of it. that sure makes things a lot better! is she poppin percs? lol someone should introduce her to pot