? about supplimenting w/ 630/660nm light in the form of leds to aid hps for flower

"everything stated in this thread is of a hypothetical nature"

in a room space that roughly 10x8 ft, home to 10 ladies, and containing 2 - 600w hortilux enhanced HPS lights.....what is someone wanted to suppliment those lights with some LED lights.

ive done a decent amount of research, but havent found much on combining the 2, which seems stupid when its become apparent that LED lights in the 630nm or 660nm have some amazing abilities to increase resin production, and HPS is best for growing monsters.

i guess my reason for this thread is, if your going to add 630/660 nm red to you hps lights to increase quality, how much light should be used? should multiple lights be bought so that they can get dropped lower and closer to the canopy? what type/distributor of led light is best used for utilizing the 630 or 660 spectrum?