about to clone need some advice


Active Member
Ok so im about to go get all the things needed to clone at the shop. Right now my plants flowering but I know it's been done before so i'm gonna give it a shot. But do you have to do anything different than usual since its already budding?

My baby:weed::
photo 2.JPG
photo 1-2.JPG


Well-Known Member
i am not sure on what to do as far as in not stressing them. but i just googled that question and a lot of info popped up. i would try to do that.

I looked it up on the riu but the link they had posted is gone now. Sorry


Well-Known Member
clone as you normally would but remember that it will take a while for the clone to reveg and start normal growth. Last one I did developed 3 sets of leaves that looked like an oleander bush before it set its self straight and correct. Took about 4 weeks to be right but had soooooo much heavy branching I cut about 45 clones from her after 4 weeks and still keep her as a clone producing momma. Good Luck


Active Member
I saw it on RIU as monster bush or something but can't find it anywhere else and dj are you talking about veg or bud plant?