about to harvest, check her out!!


Active Member
So this is my first ever plant and i grew her totally for free. thats why she is so small. i used regular topsoil for $2 a bag (i didnt have to buy it) and moved her into the ground wayyyy to late. but anyway im harvesting in like 1 week or 2 so let me know what u think! o and can someone estimate how much is on her? i know its probably only a few grams.


Active Member
about 9-11 inches havent actually measured. bottom leaves got eaten cuz i didnt spray :( so i dont have as much as i would have.


Active Member
ya next year im using ffof soil and im spraying for sure! im also gonna top and move the plant into the ground wayyyyy earlier!
hard to tell as its hard to gauge the density of the bud, but i would guess anywhere from 3.5- 5 grams give or take. with that said, the bud looks pretty good and its not a bad trade off as i'm sure it didn't take much work to take care of that little guy. good work, and get ready for next year.


Well-Known Member
i just cant believe someone would actually take the time to water that. mj takes at least 2 months to bud so if u get 4 grams ur averaging 2 grams per month... im not knockin the bud it looks coo but y not grow more if ur gonna take the time? if it took me 2 months to grow 2 blunts id never grow weed.


Well-Known Member
im more than chill, i was just asking. but since u mention it even tho its ur first grow dont mean u gotta grow only 2 grams. my first grow i did 6 plants and ended up with 3lbs. and i was regretting not doing more...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go more than a week unless u want to be sleep every time you smoke and she might put out 7-14 grams depending if she thickens up a lil bit.
I got plant almost that size that will put out 1 oz each,but she looks good for your first grow.


Well-Known Member
Everyone starts somewhere!! Some people forget that or that they were in an area to be able to put more out. Maybe had more experience before venturing into the great outdoors. Remember for most ppl, theirs will always be the best lol. Peace!!

Looks like it will b tasty!! Enjoy :)