About to rip on the Hookah


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Ahh hell no I always add a bit of seesa wen smoking from my ooka...Te smoke burns so smoot and lasts forever. I would definatly recommend adding a bit of sheesha in with your herb:hump:


Well-Known Member
Im back... well most of me anyway, cause my mind is somewhere else right now...yes i did smoke weed out of the hookah, and yes I did add some sheesha to the bowl because it does give a smoother smoke (and it tasted fabulous... for your information) not to mention I was smoking for a straight hour... listening to pearl jam and dragonforce :) right now I cant fell my body (its like my hands and fingers are just typeing...) anyways not to get off subject, I have my munchies (mac n cheese and oreo cakesters) and Im chillin... Thats about enough ranting...


Well-Known Member
strawberry flavored sheesha by the way... which im getting kinda sick of becasue I havent been to buy more flavors in like a month... I want to try pinicolada... or banana, and I heard grape is pretty good too...