About to take 10mg cyclobenzapine


New Member
If this is the wrong section im sorry, i have never taken these before and im not 100% sure they will fuck me up, i was reading around were people say they just pass out and some people say its a really nice relaxing vegtiable like feeling. What do you guys think before i pop em, i have 70 btw how many should i take? I heard 50mg is a decent ammount which would be 5 of them.

Bodhi Diesel

Active Member
Cyclobenzapine is just a muscle relaxer commonly called Flexeril. Taking five 10mg at a time will just make you sick to your stomach. You won't get high at all.

C'mon people, research this shit before you consider taking anything. Morons who don't...end up dead.


Active Member
Flexeral is pretty nice but doesn't really fuck u up man, it'll make u sleep nice and tight and give you a nice good buzz. I wouldn't take 5 that's for sure,you could OD and spend all night throwin up, or you could have a seizure, unless you have a high pain killer tolerance.

Start with 1 or 2 and smoke a doob... move up as needed bro! have fun


New Member
Cyclobenzapine is just a muscle relaxer commonly called Flexeril. Taking five 10mg at a time will just make you sick to your stomach. You won't get high at all.

C'mon people, research this shit before you consider taking anything. Morons who don't...end up dead.
i took three, if i dont feel anything im gonna be dissapointed


Well-Known Member
first thing flexiril taken at high doses can cause some serious seizures

second thing 2 pills is all you need but your not gonna be buzzed just relaxed and wanna sleep they help me get sleep if im feeling really miffed from work my bones dont hurt and i dont feel like rolign around all night

3rd it really only works when i crush them and take them with tea and a good sized bowl of some ganj and oil rips


Well-Known Member
hm he hasn't been online since he posted this shit... probably not a good sign......... or he's just a weekend browser.