Acid, how to get legit or how to make it.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
So, i want to give acid(lsd) a go, but there are so many imitations out there that its hard to pull the trigger on something that i dont even know what it is, friends of mine used to have a connect but he got popped so i dont know anyone to buy from anymore. Is there a way to tell if its the real deal or am i going to have to buy thousands in lab equipment and make it myself?


Well-Known Member
The lab equipment is the last thing you want to worry about, concidering you find it hard to come across actual acid, it's gonna be way harder to find/synthesis lysergic acid or obtain ergot.


Well-Known Member
You have to be a really good at organic chemistry to even try and begin to think about synthesizing it, plus all of the necessary equipment and precursor chemicals... fuggedaboutit!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
guess i gotta try to find some real lcd but every dealer i know sells shit under different names so lcd could be anything for me, im sure there is somebody in NYC (where i would go for this as i live upstate ny) with it.


Well-Known Member
Never tried the stuff in my life, but my understanding is that there is somewhat of a global shortage, since the synthesis is highly complex and the number of chemists out there actually wiling and able to make it is highly limited.


Well-Known Member
lsd is incredibly difficult to synthesize, and the base needed to make it (d-lysergic acid) is a controlled substance on its own for that purpose. unless you're not a seriously skilled chemist, i don't suggest you attempt to cook it. messing up a couple decimal points when cooking lsd can mean the difference between a pleasant trip and killing somebody. i've done quite a bit too much acid in my time, and sadly, there is no way to tell if what you are getting is pure lsd other than to have somebody experienced test it first, or to know the chemist who made it. luckily, lsd is such a uniquely potent chemical, that there aren't typically many things to supplement it with. most of the time, what you're getting is acid - just greatly varied in strength and route of synthesis. i'd say the most common chemical you're likely to get instead of acid would be DOB, DOX, 2-CB or 2-CI, which are all very similar to acid anyways. anyway, a powerful acid experience is truly indescribable and cannot be compared or imitated by anything. lsd, just like cannabis, is something i believe everybody can benefit from in one way or another.


Well-Known Member
synthesizing lsd is possible but may i just say.....good luck.

this is one of those things where the only answer is.....

DONT go looking for LSD......LET LSD FIND YOU.


Well-Known Member
Well first you need to meet someone whos not a fuck? Lol You cant make it, so just give up, unless you plan on going and getting your phd in chmistry any time soon.

Just dig for it man


Well-Known Member
Its like the wand wizard thing man. the lsd finds you, I like heatless' response.

Seriously, your not gonna find it until you truly let go, its really strange, believe it if you want.. Itll find you when the times right


Active Member
yes HeatlessBBQ & high|high gave the best advise...LET LSD FIND YOU...

there are alot of RC's being passed as lsd BUT there is still plenty is lucy floating around out there... it can be found at legit festivals or concerts or by your average drug dealer, just read up on it and make shur they know what their talking about... most people trying to pass a DOX (or other RC) as lsd will not be very educated in lsd or they would tell you straight up what it is... also most RC's will have a very strong chemical taste with L wont..(L might have a slight metallic taste but not chem.) you also run the risk of buying just plan paper without anything laid on it, but that happens and karma is a bitch... good luck on your journey...



Active Member
Making LSD is possible but be prepared to dedicate your life to it (at least it's worth $10k-$15k per gram.) If you are serious then you should start your journey where every aspiring drug chemist does, the rhodium archive.

If you are worried about getting other chemicals in your blotter then a nice little field test is listed on rhodium.

If you are desperate look on silk road but be warned that the decently priced acid gets snapped up fast (it has it's own wikipedia page and the media has been advertising it; it should be cool to talk about.)


Well-Known Member
I wrote a long reply to this that didn't post. Basically to make acid you need to have the lab skills to work with some pretty nasty reagents. Not that there's anything really dangerous used to make LSD (though the reagents used to make lysergic acid chloride are not exactly safe), but LSD can be dangerous if you expose yourself to in inadvertently. Getting a few mg of it in your system in a place that makes the lovechild of a kitchen and a bathroom look like the safest place on earth could present some problems.

Dr. Yo

Active Member
I heard that a few years back, this old-skol hippy/commune-like family in Northern California made close to 70% of all acid available at the time, for years, but they were busted by the feds and since then, Cid has been tougher to find, but it's still out there.

There's much more detail about this story, but it can be found through Google for those seeking more info on it.

Concerts and summer festivals are always a great place to start looking...but like wiser folk than I have said, if you go there, it'll find you before you know it.

And don't try making acid.

Waaaaay more trouble than it's worth. You can look online on how to do it, but you need a lot of equipment if you wanna do it right, but more than equipment, you need the knowledge on how to use that equipment without killing yourself or someone else.

You wanna be safe, both while making and taking acid, and unless you have a lot of chemistry experience and are comfortable working in a lab-setting, I'd try to find a source for finished cid from someone you trust.

It's a worthwhile journey down the rabbit hole. You'll learn a lot about yourself. Just make sure to have some cannabis, water, and Vitamin C with you. And get plenty of rest and eat beforehand....because you're not gonna sleep or eat for almost a day if you do find good acid.

Good luck and have fun!


Well-Known Member
guess i gotta try to find some real lcd but every dealer i know sells shit under different names so lcd could be anything for me, im sure there is somebody in NYC (where i would go for this as i live upstate ny) with it.
with all the alex grey parties going on in up state new york, if you cant find real acid something is wrong. just sayin...

Look up Chapel of Sacred Mirrors... they will help you on your visionary quest.


Active Member
Hi, I hadn't ever heard of the Silk Road until now. Just got on it.
Also, thanks for the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors ref, that's new to me too.
Awesome. :)


Well-Known Member
Making acid literally is a no go for me.

Now when I was younger Id grow morning glories and extract their LSA with everclear. That was always fun.. But LSA was always a waste in my opinion unless I took it with something else... Oh so many lsa/dxm combos.. Oh soo so many haha

May I suggest you look into research chemicals, my friend?