Active Aqua VS Ecoplus water pump


okey iam building two XL Toto Areo's i have 30 spray sights on the manifold there 18 to 24 ( havent decsided on 3 or 4 plants per row) now i am haveing some trouble picking the right pump for the project, here are the numbers and prices i need thought suggestions, a fellow grower need good word. i was thinking the Active Aqua 800GPH but not shur any word?


ActiveAqua Pump 550 GPH $44.95
ActiveAqua Pump 800 GPH $58.95
ActiveAqua Pump 1000 GPH $69.95

now also what is every ones thought about these sprayers


Go with the 1000 gph. You can always use the pressure to run more sites later, but upgrading with a smaller pump to start with will cost you more in the long run. The added pressure now is just going to make your spray jets function more reliably in the meantime. Note of caution with areoponnic micro jet sprayer tips is that you have to really keep an eye on them as they can easily clog. The higher the pressure the less luckly this is to occur soon after having just cleaned the system, but the will clog eventually. So, even with the higher pressure pumps make sure to put the pump in a bag and use a good inline filter on your system. Bottom line: This is a no brainer, bigger is best!


My thought on the micro spray jets is that the little red EZ cloner 360 jets work well if the pressure is high. Other than that, after having spent several days in a bathroom tub with a pump, a microjet manifold, and several bags of different types for spayer tips this is what I found: They all seemed a little gimmicy and the simpler the better. Like I say, they all pug up eventually, so the simple red ones work great. You can clean them with a sharp rounded tooth pick. Just unscrew the jet and poke the tooth pick up through the opening to force what ever is stuck in there out the spray top. If you have a fancy sprayer, or a really weak flimsy one, it will break. So, the red EZ cloner replacement ones work good from a cleaning standpoint. Personally I run my bucket cloner manifold with a mix of some jets I bought at Lowes in every other spot to the EZ clone 360 replacement jets. The reason is that I hit the EZ clone jet flat spray pattern with a fine stream to help break up the water and help put smaller droplets of water into the air at the root zone. Of course this is all out the window as soon as your plants build up a thick root zone and then it is just a matter of keeping them all wet without causing root rot. I use a cycle timer and run for 10 min on and about 10 min off when lights are on in early veg. Run at night just enough to moisten roots once or twice for about one minute. I have tried 15 min on and 45 min off and my plants dried out alot when lights were on. It comes down to your plants and I usually would just fiddle around with the on/off times to get a feel for how my plants looked. Sometimes I ran them at 10 on and 30 min off. That seemed to work too, but I really couldn't say for sure what was best for the crop as I gave up on trying to grow areoponnically. I was hit with drying plants and root rot before I gave it enough thought to make it work. I tossed it and went to ebb and flow.