Added 2 much humic powder to my supersoil ...Can I fix my screw up


Active Member
My second batch and I read the list wrong and added 2.5 tablespoons humic powder instead of 2.5 teaspoons. Is this a major screw-up or will it pass.

The first batch is killer....:lol:



Well-Known Member
Already saw the question and dont know the answer cause I have never added that much.
Generally if I don't answer a question right away it means I don't have a clue.



Active Member
It was a 1/3 batch...let me see if I have the file it is...

1/3 Batch:
2.7 bags Organic Base Soil
8-16 lbs Worm Castings
1.7 lbs Fish Bone Meal
1.7 lbs Bat Guano
1.7 lbs Blood Meal
1/4 cup Epsom Salts
1/3 cup Sweet (dolomite) Lime
2.5 Tbs Azomite
2 tsp. powdered HUmic Acid



Active Member
Already saw the question and dont know the answer cause I have never added that much.
Generally if I don't answer a question right away it means I don't have a clue.


Good to know...thanks


Active Member
what kind of humic acid do you have?
i know that diff. brands have different % of humic acid (usually derived from leonardite)
is should think that, if mixed well, it wouldn't cause too many problems, if your still nervous, add another bag of base soil and you should be fine.


Active Member
It was powdered humic powder that I got from a ebay auction. from a bulk pack. It had said it was good quality. Im just gonna add more worm castings and not worry about it. I only had about 1 gallon of worm castings in this batch. I just sourced a good place to get castings straight from the red wiggler farm. 2 grades...6 bucks for a 5 gallon bucket or 12 for the good fine stuff. Better then 25 bucks a bag of the stuff in the white bag at the hydro store.
