Added calcareous sand for gnats close to harvest,NEED ADVICE

I already got the sand and used it my problem is, its calcareous sand. which means when I added a drop of vinegar to it, and it fizzled. they say that calcareous sand is bad and will cause high pH and possible nutrient lockout!If I water them pouring the water through the sand which is now the top inch of my soil,will this cause my ph to raise and will I get nute lock out?and if so is this a problem if this is the final watering of my flushing?I've already flushed 3 times over past 10 days! I'm not having any drainage issues or having the sand turn to cement because I allowed my soil to completely dry out before adding the sand last week and the sand was also completely dry.things have been fine for the past 5 days,I can tell because,A)I haven't seen a single gnat since adding it,and,B)when my medium is dry and receiving airration,my room gets extra aromatic[good aroma:)lol]my room has smelled beautiful again now for the first time in weeks!when I first noticed the fungus gnats and the damage they caused, my aroma completely disappeared for almost 3 weeks! But now its back and my girls are starting to thrive again and are starting to hit that peak maturity,amber trich spot.what my concern was, is the sand going to raise my ph now that ive given them theyre final flush yesterday?it's the first and only time ill be passing water through the calcareous sand before harvest.I am only 7 days from harvest and I only watered once yesterday. it was my final flush,and the only watering since adding the sand,all the other flush waterings were before adding the layer of sand. I was only worried about watering but didn't get responses in time on my other post and went ahead and watered anyway. distilled water pH balanced at 5.8 using a 1/4 cup of plain sugar and 8 ounces of 3%h2o2 mixed into 2 gallons of water. that was the last time I am watering them before chopping in 6 days. I'm planning on taking two of them and making them mothers. so I would like to know if what I did will be harmful for what I plan to do,and also if It'll be ok for the next 6 days before chopping them in case having watered them through the calcareous sand will cause nute lockout and if that will do any harm to my harvest? again I haven't seen a single gnat in a week now and they have finally resumed they're maturing! I did the final flush last night and I run my lights from 6 p.m. till 6a.m. so I haven't been able to go in and look at them but I can smell them :)! Only 6 days left,and I won't be watering again?out of my 3 Northern Lights and 3 texada time warps,I will be re-vegging 1 of each. will my yield be okay?It was fine and on the right track before watering them last night,but can nute lock out, (if it does occur)really do to much harm with only 6 days left?and what should I do to the 2 I'm keeping to re-veg after chopping off all the buds before putting them back into 24-0?
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