Adding Jamican bat Guano to Fox Farm nutes, Yes, No or maybe so??


Well-Known Member

I use FF nutes from start to finish. I wanted to add the guano when first signs of flowering happens. The bag says to use once every 2 weeks. when i do this, should i stop the FF nutes or continue on as I was? My medium is FF Oceans forest.

Also is guano needed if i am already using Ocean forest and FF nutes?

Thanks for the advice


bud bootlegger
i asked my hydro store guy about adding some worm castings to my ffof, and he said it wasn't really needed, so i skipped on it..
if you do use the bat shit, be very careful as bat shit can be very hot, and can easily burn your plants..
i would opt for either organic nutes, the bat poo, or inorganic, the ff's products.. i don't think i would use both at the same time, but that is just my opinion..