Admit or deny?


Well-Known Member
So I have to appear in court tomorrow on my charge of a small amount of marijuana. If I were to deny the violation would there be any possible way of getting out of this? I mean would it just elongate the process to which I eventually have to pay the fine? I mean the Police confiscated the weed I had, so that's all the evidence they need... right..?


Well-Known Member
Own up too it. Lick your wounds and move on. Make sure you look good in court and admit your mistakes and steps you have taken to avoid another situation.


Well-Known Member
yea if they have it and the officer is there then plead guilty if the officer isnt there then u have the right to face ur accurser in court and the case should be dismissed i dont know what state ur in and how harsh the punishment is but read up on the right face ur accusior cus im pretty sure that if the officer isnt there then u should be able to get it dismissed