advice needed. first aero grow.


Well-Known Member

This is my set up. Let me know what you guys think. Pictures below.

1000 watt mh an hps.

A diy aeroponic tub with 600 gph pump

The misters are at the very top to not get in the way of roots. I have 6 spray heads hitting the outside of every pot leaving my clay rocks wet like a drip system. Then I have a pvc pipe down the middle with 3 360 heads that spray downwards at an angle to hit each root mass. Kind of a mix between aero and drip.

What do you think of my ghetto fan? I used duct work and taped it to the fan, through my hood and out my exhaust fan (removed bathroom exhaust fan for better flow) not sure how fast it emptys the room but it cranks out air, im assuming more air then the $200 ones made for this set up. Only spent $50. I am able to keep my temps at 76-79 degrees.

Testing and tweaking it with some bag seed. Just transplanted one 2 days ago and its bottom leaves are drooping. Hoping its just light shock as I transplanted from soil. It has not grown yet. I put an inch of clay then the roots and carefully filled it up. No roots are protruding the net. Rocks are wet. Anything I should do to aid in her recovery or do you think she will bounce back fine? If so, how long until I know its a problem. Seedlings are only 9 days old

I'm using gh 3 part nute system and diamond nectar. 200 ppm to ease them in

I have quality feminized beans on the way, just want to get it right first. Didnt want to take up all my aero space up so the other two are in soil. Any advice for me? Im comfortable with the feeding schedule as I have done dwc before. This is my first aero grow.

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Well-Known Member
You can go from soil to hydro but i wouldnt reccomend it for your new genetics. Start your good seed in rockwool cube or coco in solo cup. Soil to hydro can give you problems i went from soil to dwc once took like 2 weeks for the roots to pop out of the basket pot. Soil likes to dry out then get wet when soil hits a hrdro set up its staying wet all the time and the roots have a hard time popping out of the allways moist soil. Coco is a mucher better option. Other than that like the set up man.


Well-Known Member
Soil can bring bad unwanted shit to your res as well. If your trying to keep a sterile res dont go soil to hydro. Like i said it can be done with out issues but i personally wouldnt do it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply guys. Im definitely planning on starting my good beans in RW or Cocco. I wonder if I should cut the sprayers off everyonce in a while to dry a little or should I just wait the week and let them adjust. I was planning on soil but decided to build an aero table last minute otherwise I woild of started them with another medium.


Well-Known Member
Wont the dirt plug the mister's? If it does you may have to clean it out and start again. Nice DIY setup though! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
should be fine... probably transplant shock. I would dose the res with bennies, and top feed the plant with bennies to inoculate the roots... like aquashield / pond-zyme.