Advice on growing outdoors in a hot country


Well-Known Member
Hi there people, i have recently just taken the plunge to move to my parents country of origin here in south east asia.

i am thinking of doing a large outdoor grow because of the space i have available here.

however during the summer here the temps get upto around 40-43 c so its pretty hot

my question is will it be possible for them to grow in this heat?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yeah, no problem, if planned properly. First, don't use the hybrid seeds, use land race strains that comes from hot climates. Under extreme heat, the soil will dry out 3 times faster than normal. So you must consider soil that has great water retention. Too MUCH drainage is a bad thing in this situation. Also, with that type of heat means a LOT of good sunshine. Which means, you don't need your plants in full sunshine near as much as normal. The "dappled" (slightly shaded) areas, especially in the afternoons, when the sun does the most damage. Look for natural low spots in the ground, which collect more water. Do not use chemical ferts, too hot. For each plant, dig at least a hole big enough to set a 5 gal. bucket in. Fill this with good compost & add liquid seaweed, molasses, Epsom salt, fish emulsion, etc, to promote healthy plants. There is a seed site that deals with strains from Africa, these strains may do well, also Thai. Keep us posted.