aero cloner need help. KIDS GOING TO DIE HELP


okey i built a aero cloner i did my reserch and this is what i have.

18gal tot
eco 398 gph
14 ez clone sprayer =28 gph each spray head
the manifold is 8 inchs from the top.
my water is 100ppm and 6.5
water temp is 69-72
air temp 65-70
i have no root and they are going on week 2 help!!!!!!!! and the clones are starting to die and i cant loss them. HELP ME PLZ GROWER IN DISTRESS anything helps


Well-Known Member
okey i built a aero cloner i did my reserch and this is what i have.

18gal tot
eco 398 gph
14 ez clone sprayer =28 gph each spray head
the manifold is 8 inchs from the top.
my water is 100ppm and 6.5
water temp is 69-72
air temp 65-70
i have no root and they are going on week 2 help!!!!!!!! and the clones are starting to die and i cant loss them. HELP ME PLZ GROWER IN DISTRESS anything helps
wot cycle is ur pump on?


Well-Known Member
need water temp to be 78-85 degrees for some strains to even THINK about cloning, get water PH to 6.0.

What is their lighting situation?


Well-Known Member
I do not agree with 75+ water temps.

If you have your water that warm other stuff will grow in it, like slime.

I keep mine around 72.

i have no root and they are going on week 2 help!!!!!!!! and the clones are starting to die and i cant loss them. HELP ME PLZ GROWER IN DISTRESS anything helps

Exactly how are they starting to die ?

If you mean the leafs are turning yellow, they are not dying. They are starting to root.

My cuttings are never rooted after two weeks, instead thats when some of my leafs turn yellow and rooting starts. By the end of 3 weeks they are ready for trasnplant.

I use a bubble cloner with near 100% success.


Active Member
More opinions on pump times please...

I have rooted 3 runs of cuttings leaving my pump on 24/7 but it can take up to 3 weeks for roots to forum so if other people are having better (faster) success by turning it on and off I would like to hear your schedules.
I have also successfully rooted parsley from the produce section, as well as cat nip cuttings taken fresh from the display at the hydro store AND a Rosemary cutting, but that one took several tries, Rosemary is notoriously hard to grow at all though. All running the pump constant.


okey my pump is on 24/7 i am under small cfl light and yes my sprayers are 8inch below the top of the tote. i pulged 2 of the sprayer jets so iam from 14 spray heads to 12 it increased my gph per head from 28 to 33. i also added an air stone. i have some pics her for u. the last one i just wanted to add. but ya the kids u see the leaves are starting to sorta dry up and die.


Well-Known Member
I also run the pump 24 hours a day,
I also got a heating pad under my 5 gallon bucket that keeps it around 72 ish
and I also dip them in clonex when taken and let them sit for 15 min before I turn the pump on
and a lid full of Tiger Bloom and I get roots within 8 days
and I use a 125 CFL veg light