Aerogarden Purple bag seed grow


Active Member
I am now 2 weeks and 1 day into flowering. Total grow is: 2 months 2 weeks and 3 days for the biggest plant and
For the small plant total grow is: 1 month 2 weeks and 5 days.



Active Member
yea there growin quick man. :mrgreen:
cant wait to test this strain.
Im also wantin a good kush strain for my next grow. got any preferred kush strains?


Well-Known Member
I got some Bubba goin right now, but jus confirmed them as males :(

Violator Kush is really good, seen alot of successful grows with that strain


Active Member
yea one of my plants was a hermie. I kinda wanted one of them to go though cause space was becomin an issue.
I looked at some kaia kush and it looked pretty good. Its supposedly a new strain but I have no idea.
Purple bubba kush has such dark a purple man. thats what ima go with but I got a question on trimming the fan leaves.
can I trim all the leaves off and leave just the bud sites showing or does the plant need some leaves on it?


Well-Known Member
i would only trim fan leaves if you think there really blocking sufficient light, other then that, try not to trim them, or if you do, let them heal before the next trim, if they even need another


Active Member
okay cool thanks man, I jus trimmed 2 fan leaves that were in the way of some nodes so I'll wait a while before the next trim. ima go smoke that purple bubba
see ya man


Active Member
how does the future yield look? some of the white hairs are turning dark amber (some are various shades of the color AMBER) 5 weeks into flowering tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
you still got some time man, its only been 5 weeks, can take up to 11 sometimes, we will see here in the next couple weeks, there going to start swelling up


Active Member
oh okay cool. no I have another small female (same strain) but she is a lot smaller, I only vegged her for a month and i vegged the biggest plant for 2 months and 2 weeks. She definitely smells like a purple, how long does purple usually take for its leaves to change color?