Aeroponic cloner + fluorescent lights question with pictures, + rep!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am currently using an aeroponic cloner with which I am having mixed results. I thought I would run it by you guys and see if anyone can point out any flaws in my approach.

Ok, I use a 45 site pre-fab(not home made) aero cloner that I got from a buddy of mine. He didnt have much luck with it so i convinced him to let me use it. Im having mixed results, about 50/50, but the ones that do take off end up building up a pretty good root system. Ive added a pic of my setup so you can see what it looks like. I built a box out of plywood, it was this kind with a reflective material on it, so I put the reflective side on the inside of course. I am using one t8 fl. bulb, it is a 'daylight' bulb that has a color temp of 6500K, which I *think* is good for veg, right? Anyway, I have 1 18 inch T8 bulb above the cloner. I always leave the hood on, and I always leave the bubbles going through the air stones. I have the timer set to 15 mins on/15 mins off, with some bigger spaces in between, some up to 45 minutes. I only do that about 4-5 times in a 24 hour period. Oh, and I use plain water that is phed to 5.8-6.0

After doing all that, I have a current set of 9 cuttings I took exactly 7 days ago, and Im not even seeing a nub of a root yet. A couple of the cuttings even wilted already. I was thinking of upgrading to a t5 fixture, but would 1 bulb be enough, or should I go for one of the multi bulb setups, and is the bulb I am using the correct one? It is a GE 'Daylight' bulb, and I think the color temp is right for veg. Any suggestions?



Active Member
You can add 1 more light and it should help a bit. I think the problem could be how you prepare the cuttings rather than the environment you currently have. Read this part of the FAQ and it should improve your success rate.

7 days is not enough for some strain to root, some take up to 2 weeks, in the mean time some leafs will die off slowly as the plant is eating it to make roots, it is normal. 6500K light is good for vegging, yes.


Well-Known Member
you may want to get a cool white and a warm for your clones. youve got the white. also keep the light maybe a little closer. roots generaly dont start to develope for up to 6-7 days. make sure your humidity lvls stay around 90-100%


Well-Known Member
You can add 1 more light and it should help a bit. I think the problem could be how you prepare the cuttings rather than the environment you currently have. Read this part of the FAQ and it should improve your success rate.

7 days is not enough for some strain to root, some take up to 2 weeks, in the mean time some leafs will die off slowly as the plant is eating it to make roots, it is normal. 6500K light is good for vegging, yes.

Sometimes you will have dud clones.

I have made a dwc bubbler cloner and I have seen roots forming in as little as 5 days. And ready to plant in 7. A few are rooting at 8 days.. some take up to a few weeks, although, its never happened to me.

Stay patient.

The ones that didnt root or wilted are not the clones you want for a plant anyways..

The hardier healthy fast rooting clones are your best bet.

Snag the healthy ones, and forget the rest.

Be choosy, it pays off ;-)

Good luck man :)


Well-Known Member
is that rockwool or oasis your rooting them in? also what do you use for rooting hormone? like blades said read up on how to cut them proper and prepare your rooting medium. there are ways to expose more of the cambium layer -the part that sprouts roots.


Well-Known Member
also some plants dont ever want to be cloned what are you cloneing? sorry for so many posts so quick.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Well, when I cut the clones, I usually cut them about 6 inches long. My buddy (always the same one I am referring to, when I say 'my buddy') says that they need to be bigger, but Ive had good luck with the med size cuttings. Ive taken reallys mall ones too, but I dont like how long they take to start growing.

Anyway, I use to use the old dome and tray set up, with rockwool. I would split the base of the cutting with an xacto (I still do this for the cloner), and dip it in some 'Dip N Grow'. I use to have really good success rates with the dome and tray, but then I started reading about aeroponic cloners, and I thought I would give it a whirl.

I already rooted some babies from my last garden, and they even had to revert back from flower to veg, and they took a little longer than usual, some 2 weeks, some up to 3-4 weeks(!!), but the roots did grow strong once they popped, and the plants are all doing fine now.

So, I went ahead and pulled the babies out of the cloner for a minute and reapplied the rooting hormone. I also was worried aobut the rooting hormone application, since what I use is a liquid, and i am worried that maybe I didnt give it enough time to dry on the cutting and soak in the first time before the cloner started hitting them with water. Dont know if that would wash off the hormone or not.

Thanks again you guys for helping, check out some of my albums if you want to see a couple of my gardens!


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would give this a bump and see if I could get someone else to check it out. Also, has anyone tried using nutes in their aeroponic cloner? I read a couple threads and a majority of the people used correctly phed plain water, no nutes, so I figured I would stick with that, but now Im wondering if I made the right choice?


Well-Known Member
i have the home made style with a t5 4 bulb i only put 2 bulbs in sprayers running 15 min on 30 off 24 cut i took 5 days ago have root nubs

I'd say go with more light. oh and i run a bit of root juice in the rez


Well-Known Member
no nutes thats all bad. i dont split the base of the cutting or use a dome just set it up plug in cuttings and forget it for a week

oh and smaller cuttings root faster IMO


Well-Known Member
no nutes thats all bad. i dont split the base of the cutting or use a dome just set it up plug in cuttings and forget it for a week

oh and smaller cuttings root faster IMO
Ok, so I think the light thing may be my biggest problem. I am planning on going down to the shop and picking up 2 t5 light fixtures to replace the single t8 I am using. Hopefully that will do the trick.