aeroponic newbie needing help !! FAST !

I have been growing for about 12 days now and i have a problem with my reservoirs keeping water one side is getting empty than the other. I understand one side has taller plants and probably have a bigger uptake, but i was wondering will my plants be able to withstand a couple hours without water until i get a chance to head to the store to grab more r/o water.


Hey Tipper, your plants should manage for a couple of hours. Not sure I understand about your reservoirs, maybe post a photo.
Let us know how it's going.

Sending good Karma your way.


Well-Known Member
how do you get R/O water? Mine comes in a 5 liter bag for just a dollar, and I pick it up in a little grocery store near here. I hope you don/t have to make a lot of trouble to find yours, man


Well-Known Member
ChronicObsession: I don't know where you live, but in southern California we have a Henry's Grocery super market chain near us and they have a water purification kiosk inside the store. I've been using it for about two years now and it tastes great and all it costs is 39 cents a gallon. I thought it was too good to be true but it has been ro'd and run through some additional filters to get rid of the chlorine taste and other contaminants that can get through the diaphram. It works great in my garden so I guess it's something to think about. At those prices it would take me years to get my investment back if I bought a ro set up.