Aeroponics/DWC - Kush grow.. whats these spots on my leaves?


ph is between 5.5 and 6.5, its only on one set of leaves on one plant, but that plant looks a little weak compared to others at times, even though its one of the biggest.

I'm feeding it foxfarm organic nutes between 3/4 and full feeding dosage. I change reservoir every 2 weeks. Temps stay around 80, water temp is around 70 usually. I mist them a few times a day and have them running 24/0 sometimes I give them a 18/6 or 20/4 just to give it a little night time and let it cool off. I have an oscillating fan blowing right over them and another fan/air purifier on the floor.
Did it just start? I'd try to maintain a ph range closer to 6. Rather than 5.5 to 6.5 keep in the 5.8 to 6.2 range for a couple weeks. PH fluctuation can cause the same ill effects as a ph level that is too high. Get some PH up and PH down and monitor daily.

If you strike out there, Magnesium toxicity and deficiency will manifest itself in mature leaves. If it is it will look the same as ph lock. In either case those spots should turn brown and crusty. If you do have a ph or mag issue dillute a tbsp of epsom salt for every gallon of water in your res and microwave the salt and water mixture until the salt dissolves and use when you change your water. Cut back your nutes when doing this as they most likely aren't taking them anyway. You'll hear people knock the epsom salt but they either haven't used it, haven't used it correctly, or prefer a 40$ bottle of something that can be done for a few pennies.

Good luck!
If you haven't used PH up and down before get a dropper or syringe and only us a half ml at a time to adjust when adjusting anything under 5 gallons.


Did it just start? I'd try to maintain a ph range closer to 6. Rather than 5.5 to 6.5 keep in the 5.8 to 6.2 range for a couple weeks. PH fluctuation can cause the same ill effects as a ph level that is too high. Get some PH up and PH down and monitor daily.

If you strike out there, Magnesium toxicity and deficiency will manifest itself in mature leaves. If it is it will look the same as ph lock. In either case those spots should turn brown and crusty. If you do have a ph or mag issue dillute a tbsp of epsom salt for every gallon of water in your res and microwave the salt and water mixture until the salt dissolves and use when you change your water. Cut back your nutes when doing this as they most likely aren't taking them anyway. You'll hear people knock the epsom salt but they either haven't used it, haven't used it correctly, or prefer a 40$ bottle of something that can be done for a few pennies.

Good luck!
Yea I add Ph up and down and I try to keep it at 6.2 Ideal, i realized they got a little pale at lower ph like 5.5, 5.8, etc.. I never seen spots like this before this early and only on one set of leaves on 1 plant only lol, and I understand at the end of flowering when the plant matures leaves will naturally die off and show spots and such but not if u keep conditions ideal. I thought it might be bugs, but yeah hopefully these are the only leaves that show this. I bounce around the grow forums and keep things updated now and then so we'll see.


how do they look in general though? the 2 bigger ones are 3 weeks, next smaller is 2 weeks, and the smallest cup has an almost mature seedling and clone, I am seeing who will win the battle, the clones been in for 3 days and is about the size of the seedling, well see who wins the battle of cup #4, loser might have to go unless I do some LST
Overall they look great. They seem to be growing rather tightly, good color, and no stretching. Have they started to smell yet? All of the better genetics that I've had started to stank early, about where you are at now.
Are you going to keep them in that setup? If so I'd trim the roots weekly. When I had a shared DWC like that I always had a hard time keeping the roots separate from each other. Right now you have one that is a bit smaller than the rest and if the roots get tangled up and form a massive root mat in the bottom of the res it will get choked out. I started experimenting with root trimming and it worked well. Once a week or so I'd trim them about 8" from the net pots. They never responded negatively and almost seemed to promote additional root growth.


how many times did you trim the roots? The plants never got hurt? Roots arent that long yet, well i i know they arent tangled yet