Afghan Dream, 2nd Grow, Hydro with Pics

Hey guys,

I'd be happy for anyone to post and share their input and help me out along this grow. Any input is appreciated, so don't be shy.

This will be my second grow, my first with hydroponics. I just built my own system and I think it should work out well.

I germinated 9 Afghan Dream seeds and 6 have already sprouted. The last three that are still in the bowl (that is placed above the light) are beginning to sprout, and I might just throw them in some soil for another possible mother plant in soil. The 6 that have sprouted I have alredy inserted in my rockwool cubes in the hydro system. I have a 400W MH currently running 18/6....yes, there is a 400 HPS hiding in the reflector too, but I'm saving that for later, although I do have seperate ballasts.

I have an important first question. I am currently running my sprayers on a schedule of turning on and off every 15mins, except for nightime hours when the light is off. No feeding is done then. No nutes have been used yet, just strictly RO water. I'm just wondering what should i set my watering schedule to? what do you guys think? any input would be greatly appreciated. In my system I have 2 seperate air tubes going into the resivoir as well.

Check it out and let me know what you guys think!


P.S. The pics attached have just now been taken after the seeds were just finally all placed in the system earlier today. I will keep taking pics and updating the thread, so please subscribe!


Oh yeah, and let me know what you guys think about my hydro system setup. It's the first one I've built, so I'd like some input, and I'm going to make another resivoir with another 6 pots in the near future.
Uptdate: Well it's been about 3 days now and all have popped up and are seeming to root well. 4 out of the 6 seedlings have already grown long enough roots to hang far out of the bottom of the net pots inside the resivoir!

All of the 3 remaining seeds popped and were placed in the second SOIL planter that is behind the clone, next to the hydro system (back right in picture). I wasnt expecting all 9 seeds to pop and grow so fast!

IMPORTANT: Also, I switched my water pump to feed on a schedule of (or at least I THINK) On for 30 mins, and off for an Hour, still only while the lights are on. I really have no idea what I should set my schedule to and what I'm doing right now is just a complete guess. What do you guys think? Any input on this would be greatly appreciated, I need the help!


Well guys, it's been about 10 days now and a lot has changed. I have a PH meter coming on the way to me in the mail luckily.

A lot has changed with the soil grown seedlings! Check out the pictures. Those three were th last 3 seeds to germinate, and now they are clearly bigger than the hydro grown seedlings! Can anyone explain this? The only possibility I can think of is that I used about half of pre used Foxfarm soil from my last grow, so maybe there was still some nutrient in it? Idk... Because I still have no nutrient in my hydro system. Also, I was thinking of adding nutrient to the hydro system as soon as my PH meter comes, which should be within a week. I'm just wondering when the best time to start using nutes is. Can anyone help out? When should I start and should I start with 1/2 mix or 1/4 mix?

And as you can see, the clone from my last harvest is growing VERY well, and without nutes. This plant I intend to turn into a mother plant and start the Sea of Green method, or SCROG I think it is also called, not positive though.

Anyway, check out the pics, and let me know what you think. Any input would be great, and any help would be appreciated. DONT BE SHY TO POST; I need input!

