After lots of reading... Its time to begin


Active Member
Me and my roommate were thinking of starting a small 2 light hps in a 10 by 5 room. For the most part we just dont have any good dealers and want to get some quality product that can last us a few months at a time. Ideally what we want is 30-40 ish babies under 2 thousand w hps.


Well-Known Member
it really comes down to how much you want it.... best to do it legally tho, i mean dont have any aches or glaucoma?

a good friend of mine once said, "if your gonna break the law, break the motha fucking law! you dont steal a nacho, you take the entire fucking enchilada!" he was columbian, but you should understand what hes getting at

either way, security should be #1. legal or not, theres people that will wanna break into your house and steal it all for themselves. keep it on the down low.