After much research, we have a winner!


Well-Known Member
Well, this will be my 3rd go around. For my first time I went with my own stealth cab built (ingeniously, If I do say so myself) from some drawers. Second time was MUCH bigger and more paranoia inducing. I now believe I have found a middleman in "The Grow Bucket."


Now listen, I do not work for The Growbucket, I do not have any investments there, though I am kinda wondering if they are publicly traded now :p

Its just that after searching around and finding tons of really cool stealth grow cabs, they would inevitably make me want to scream obscenities and throw my monitor at something with sharp corners because the prices looked more like prices you would expect to pay for human sex slaves from the black market or something.

That is where The Growbucket comes in. $199. Thats it. It is the lazy mans solution to growing, I kid you not. The whole thing is put together, quality pre-wired, with timer built into the top for lights and a continuous fan (with built in carbon filter) for providing fresh air that then leaves after being passed through a carbon filter. It even comes with 2 - 2800 lumen grow lights, 1 in each spectrum and extra carbon filters.


It is tricky to imagine, but basically its a big jet black bucket into which you pour your soil, a slightly smaller pure white (for light reflection) bucket that snuggles into into it and rests just above the soil with two holes where you put your plants. Then the top with the wired timer, carbon filter fan, and sockets for two grow cfls giving you around 2 feet or so for the plant. It all comes together beautifully to make a completely airtight and light tight stand alone environment that is ridiculously discreet.

Now it is not perfect when you get it, I needed to make some modifications to make it perfect, but it was all easily done with one drill and a hobby/exacto knife. First off, the level they have for soil is silly. It's enough soil for like 2 basil plants or something, but nowhere near the level needed. So my solution was to cut out the bottom out of the white bucket with an exacto knife and sealing the air intake hole they had really low and making a new one with a drill and large bit higher up so I could have more soil. Aside from that, it was golden.


There are two requirements for using this set up though, one your probably only fitting dwarves in there and two you are definitely LST. But I wanted the quick turnaround and believe LST is smart anyway, so all in all, perfect :)

Doing afghan kush ryder, just waiting on girls, and then were off!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Yup, first time around I went with Barneys White widow autoflower and diesel ryder. Both came out amazing and I highly recommend them as a breeder but after lots of research I just had to try the afghan kush ryder.


Well-Known Member
I think I am getting a little greedy and my eyes are getting too big for my stomach. Advice people.

I am debating about maybe putting two auto girls in there. Probably not though, at around 5-6k lumens I am better off with 1 per cycle.


Well-Known Member
Well, according to my USPS math, girls should arrive tomorrow. Crossing my fingers.

What do you guys do for germ? Paper towel method that people think damages taproot? Soak in water for 5-8 hours then into the medium? Just, you know, right into the medium with light watering? I like the paper towel method for the instant gratification of knowing shes going, but I usually just plop them in the soil.

What are your thoughts guys (or gals)?


Well-Known Member
Well lookie here! Look who just stopped by!


Going 10 hour soak followed by snuggling into an inch of FFOF.


Active Member
thts a sweet little bucket! but im wondering if its suitable for a cannabis plant? how much head space is there for them to grow in? do u think even 1 plant will fit? maybe the pic makes it look smaller than it it a 5 gal bucket? what they need to do is some out with a grow a 2x3 ft box just like tht with a light tight lid!