After seed germinates an dbreaks the soil, when do the lights come on??


Well-Known Member
I will be placing my seeds in solo cups to germinate in a warm dark place. once they break the soil, how soon do i turn the lights on? these are auto flower seeds for this round.

Thanks for the help


Active Member
yup, 18/6 or 24/0 first option saves money, plants only photosymphosize for 18 hrs anyway then shut off


Well-Known Member
i always put mine in the pot then start the light immediately always works for me, but i also germ mine in a plate before i put them in soil.
good luck


Well-Known Member
yup, 18/6 or 24/0 first option saves money, plants only photosymphosize for 18 hrs anyway then shut off
Thanks for your kind responses... If you have read any of my post or threads, Ive always grown from clones that a purchased at dispensaries. I wanted to try the whole deal this round. I also have moved from a location where i had room to grow and was forced to take a yr + off. Thats why.. people are real quick to jump to conclusion on this site or any site where they can hide behind their computer and post whatever they like. we are all here to help eachother learn and prosper. Post your 2cents elsewhere bro!


Well-Known Member
i smell shit with that big advert on the first post;)
Again.. look around before trying to build your "Posts" up bro. The advert is done by RIU, thats how they help pay for this free site. My sig is my blog that I write if your referring to that. I make no money from it, I just love sports and want to share it with the legit RIU members. For the record, Post numbers mean nothing. its the knowledge you share, there are tons of ways to increase it.. for example your 3 separate post on this tiny thread.. COME ON MAN!



Well-Known Member
what you said is what i was thinkin lookin at yo av you sho been growi sumtin

But yo you dont have to explain yourself gotta learn to ignore what i normally do is
1--soak seed overnightin about 1 inch of water i use reg tap water cover with another cup ( i actually only use a little piece of the bottm of cup)
2--next day if split i put in cup with holes starter soil cover ith baggie and rubberband inormaly poke very small hole for air
3--all this is done on a heating pad at about 80 deg under floresent tube but you really dont need light till seed breaks soil
4--so next day if seed not split i pour water off hold on its side till it stops dripping back on heat til plsit
5--some will be split in few hours of soak some will tak three days
6-- if goes past 7 days i get rough i start what is called scarcification includes sanding chipping pieces off from shell and splitting with a blade
at this step nothing to lose maybe something to gain i some times bring my numbers up at this stage but most times about 90% or better
very few can say a true 100 percent if doing many beans maybe if doing 1 0r two at a time

oh and autos regulers femanized cont matter

isent life funny everytime i loose fath in mankind the next person restores it again

but not for nothing i like what your doing i feel your not growin till you can bust a seed and take it to harvest be good

im out-goodluck- keep em green-1Luv


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, everything is good. did the same procedure above, all of the seeds cracked, they are in solo soil cups and all are growing nicely. about 14hrs in water and all of them broke the soil in 2-4 days. Good technique.
