Ag first grow. help is appreciated


Active Member
the lights the lowest it could go. its only like 3 inches away maybe. Ill switch to the MH next sunday when i change the water and add the nutes.


Well-Known Member
MH has mostly the blue spectrum for veggin, helps with growth and the HPS has mostly the red spectrum to flower with


Active Member
things still looking pretty good. the bottom leaves are turning a lighter shade of green. anyone know what this can be from?


Active Member
alright. im picking up my digital ph today. i thought the ph was pretty close to what it should be but i am prob wrong again. ill get that fixed up today. is that a big deal?


Active Member
i just got my ph pen and its being a bitch. im trying to calibrate it but the directions dont make much sense. I put it in water from the faucet and calibrated it to zero. but then when i put it in OJ the ph is not what its suppose to be


Active Member
ha. yea the instructions say borax but idk where i can buy that. i read somewhere that the ph of oj was arounf 3.5 so i used the water to calibrate to zero then used oj to test it. didnt work


Well-Known Member
yea you need the pH buffer solution, totally forgot about it, you should be able to find it online, or go to a local hydro shop


Active Member
i used vingar. it has a ph of 2.4 and it worked perfectly. my water in the ag was at 3.8. ouch.... i fixed it though. hopin for good things now


Active Member
yea i think its at 5.7 right now so ima go from there. switch to the MH bulbs sunday when i change the nutes and shit.


Active Member
so im swutching the bulb tomorrow to mh but do you think i should switch the light cycle to veg tomorrow? the seeds say harvest weeks at 9 weeks.