Agave nectar instead of molasses? +rep for help


Active Member
I just got some organic agave nectar, better/worse than molasses for flowering?:weed:

or does it even matter lol


Well-Known Member
i just got the same stuff, and from what ive been told, the Molasses is going to contain more trace elements than the Agave Nectar, but the Agave is still a good source of carbs and it helps feed the soil as well, so you cant go wrong....


Well-Known Member
took an early cutting out of my PC grow to test it out, and after using the AGAVE it really did take on a sweeter taste...i think ill use the molasses throughout the grow to give it the trace elements and all that good stuff it needs, then the last few weeks of budding i may switch to the Agave to sweeten it the Agave doesnt have all those trace elements that ive been told cause your bud to crackle and stuff when smoked....hope this kinda helps a bit...


Well-Known Member
I use the organic agave now too. Went looking for molasses and found this first so I figured, WTF? I used it for the last 4 weeks of flower during waterings only (as opposed to when feeding too) and the Sour Grapes I harvested did have a little better taste and smell than the previous which did not get the sweetener. Now I'm using it during the full flower cycle but again only on water days. I started adding it to the res 'for the autos in DWC once they showed flowers too and there's been no ill effects yet.


Well-Known Member
ya right on, mine definitely sweetened up after using it, so its definately good for that, plus its feeding all the good microbes and stuff in the soil, so thats always a good thing...dont know if its as good as molasses, but hasn't hurt, so why the hell not right!!


Well-Known Member
Sugars feed the microbes in the soil, not only the plant directly. Agave nectar is an interesting consideration (the darker, less refined stuff would be best), some people even use Coca Cola...but since they went from sugar to high-fructose corn syrup, I wouldn't touch it.


I have to post on this cold thread...agave nectar contains No Sodium, compared to 20mg of sodium per tbsp in the "grandma's molasses" I've been using. Plus the agave nectar has 2 grams More sugars than the molasses, sounds like it might b a better alternative. As far as the trace elements, my nutes cover that.


Tried Agave, works wonders on buds - make sure to use good nutrients together.
I use Agave during all flowering and after every flush (2-3 times during flowering, I use the Molasses (Blackrabbit - something like that - that contains also important minerals).
This is because after the flush, I leave the plant without water (since it's not so hot outside, there's less need for watering) so that the roots "breath".

This first meal after flushing is important, most of the nutrients are absorbed quite quickly.

After that, all other waterings will be with Agave, another precious Mexican treasure... :)
The Agave is specially beneficial if you flush your plants at the end. During the week (or 2 if you're growing in a massive pot) you only pour water, add some Agave to it. It's pure carb, without the minerals that you're trying to remove, and will energize and sweeten your sticky mellow buds.

Around 2 ml/L should do the trick.

Mr. Sky


Active Member
I have to post on this cold thread...agave nectar contains No Sodium, compared to 20mg of sodium per tbsp in the "grandma's molasses" I've been using. Plus the agave nectar has 2 grams More sugars than the molasses, sounds like it might b a better alternative. As far as the trace elements, my nutes cover that.
I agree bro, I use it as well at 20ml per every 2.5 gallons of water and I get way better results than molasses or even cane sugar. Good stuff!!


Well-Known Member
A thread brought back from the golden age of sugar supplements! Maple syrup anyone? A certain unscrupulous individual still repackages bulk "maple sugar" into his own branding and sells it for far more than the products meant for human consumption. I'm surprised that NFTG doesn't repackage Agave nectar into a bottle with a naked fish lady on the front and call it "Sweet Siren." All jokes aside, I do still use about 5 ml of molasses per bucket of solution as a cheap source of carbon for the microbiome, less is more with sugar supps.