Air-cooling question???


Active Member
is it better to start with a bigger intake, or finish your ventilation with a bigger exhaust.

so my ?, start with 8" intake and finish with 2 6" exhausts


start with the 2 6" intakes and finish with 8"?

(i have two 6" centifug fans that will be used 400cfm's)

any feelings RIU?

also, what do you think of usin just the air from under the house, which is lifted upon a cement block foundation, for coolin the lights?



trichlone fiend

New Member
is it better to start with a bigger intake, or finish your ventilation with a bigger exhaust.

so my ?, start with 8" intake and finish with 2 6" exhausts


start with the 2 6" intakes and finish with 8"?

(i have two 6" centifug fans that will be used 400cfm's)

any feelings RIU?

also, what do you think of usin just the air from under the house, which is lifted upon a cement block foundation, for coolin the lights?



...what ever diameter the hole is on your fan, go with that size throughout if possible, IMO. I find my fan keeps things alot cooler by sucking the air through the lights rather then pushing the air through them. ....the crawlspace is an awesome place to pull air ! :bigjoint:


Active Member
...what ever diameter the hole is on your fan, go with that size throughout if possible, IMO. I find my fan keeps things alot cooler by sucking the air through the lights rather then pushing the air through them. ....the crawlspace is an awesome place to pull air ! :bigjoint:
sorry shoulda clarified, not just one light, 2 runs, of 3 lights, total 6. changes in diameter of ventilation r efficent, i think, just need verification on which way is best.

and for the crawl space air, can i send hot air down there too? i def will pull air outta it, but not sure what im gonna do with all the hot air??
