Air- Pot Club


Well-Known Member
While ive seen the smart pots a few years back in FL they used them in nurseries. I tend to move my plants around alot and these bags tend to break roots when you move them. and transplanting from the air pots to larger ones are as simple as pie. Take out the fastener and they unwrap themselves. again not ripping any roots.


Well-Known Member
While ive seen the smart pots a few years back in FL they used them in nurseries. I tend to move my plants around alot and these bags tend to break roots when you move them. and transplanting from the air pots to larger ones are as simple as pie. Take out the fastener and they unwrap themselves. again not ripping any roots.
Hmmm great points you make.
Mine are pretty sturdy so no breaking roots on my end but the transplant thing you have me on.
I do think they are better used as the final home. I do want to try some air pots though.
I was thinking about some smart pot fabric to line the bottom to cover those big holes.
Smart pots are cleaner. Still I think air pots with bottom liner take the win.


Well-Known Member
quick question gunna give these air pots a run, lookin to end up in 20ltr airpots .I usally use normal square pots but what i wanna no is what route would you take with repoting these 1ltr>6.5ltr>10ltr>20ltr? seems like alot of repotting. and do all the pots have to be air pots to keep the root formation or can i just repot with a airpot into my final home


Active Member
Could you use screening for windows? aluminum or nylon types? I wonder how you could make a frame for a pot? or would that let too muc light in?


Well-Known Member
Could you use screening for windows? aluminum or nylon types? I wonder how you could make a frame for a pot? or would that let too muc light in?
In a word NO, just dont do it.. if ya wanna go cheap just drill shi*loads of holes in a standard bucket..3/16" max

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Hey Guys,

What do you think about airpot - .75 Happy frog - .25 Coco. In a ebb n flow. Watering once a day?? Has anyone use these in ebb n flow? Seem like it would be a great combo??



Well-Known Member
Hi Ya Fellow Air Potters :)

Just wanted to chip in with a method i have used that has shown total explosive growth with the Air Pots :)

I used a method known as " Double potting " ... Just dropped the Airpot into a half filled bucket of Coco ... back filled and now the root system has ALL of the room in a bucket to shoot new roots .


With a normal pot , You have to pot up at some stage to a larger pot , This can cause stress for plants and can be a pain in the butt , With the Airpot ... you can just drop it into any size plot or container ... back fill and it's done ... And this is where the bigger growth actualy starts ... The rootball is very dence and well pruned... so now it begins to take take up space in its new pot ... and it goes nuts .

It allso allowed me to feed MORE ... i can now Bottom feed One day .... Top feed into the Airpot the next day ... And then feed into the bucket around the air pot .

So in effect im giving thre times the nuts of one feed over a three day period ... i think you see the point :)

If you need proof of how well this works ... Take a look at my journal and see how much bigger and better my plants look compaired to other grows with the same strain :)

If i could go back and do it all again ... I would have gone from Clone or Seed straight into a 6 inch Air Pot ...And missed out the small regular pot all together , This would have allowed the Tap root to shoot right down to the bottom of the airpot ( They are very deep )

I have herd it said that they are messy to work with , I would say no less than working with other pots , If your coco or soil is pre moistened befor you fill the Air pot ... Nothing falls out .

I have hear it said that they can dry out quicker than regular pots ... This is true ... But if you think about it with a bit of logic ... Thats what WE want

Plant only absorbe a VERY small amount of the actual water and nutrient you feed them ... And then your waiting for the rest of the pot to dry out so you can feed again .

With the Air Pot it allows faster drying so you can get more nutrients fed into the plant

After you pot up to the bucket ... the drying out takes longer ... BUT it does allow you to feed straight into the Air Pot thats above the soil in the bucket and allows you to feed from the bottom of the bucket via a tray , So in effect you have three watering chambers that are joined ... You choose what chamber you feed .

Hope this helps with your grows :)



Well-Known Member
can i play?

At 2 weeks of flowering on the dot.

All my new growth is purple!! Hoping this is a pheno thing and not any other weird issue ;)

4 Northern Lights and 2 Tahoe OGs SCROGGED



you have your pots up side down, the first row of tities at the bottom dont have holes so they should be at the top better for watering


Well-Known Member
you have your pots up side down, the first row of tities at the bottom dont have holes so they should be at the top better for watering
Actually I'm pretty sure those ones go at the bottom so that the the circular grill thing (which keeps the soil from falling out the bottom) has a proper base to sit on. If I remember correctly the ones without holes stick out towards the center of the pot just a little bit more and that is what you rest it on.


Well-Known Member
Anyone done any Autos in these? Was looking at doing Easyryders in 10L Airpots but now Im thinking I could just use 6L and jam more in...any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Anyone done any Autos in these? Was looking at doing Easyryders in 10L Airpots but now Im thinking I could just use 6L and jam more in...any thoughts?
These pots should be good for all types of marijuana, just make sure you get a big enough size. I feel the smallest size these things come in isn't useful for marijuana (as its about the same size as a red party cup but full of wholes so it might dry out to fast), but definitely jump into the 2-5.1 gallon pots no problem after they grow out of their party cups (if you do it that way).


Well-Known Member
Nah man Im only doing Autos so Im wondering 6 or 10L Airpots? I wanna put as many as I can in there, maximise floor space but I also wanna give their roots enough space to maximise the individual plants too...anyone care to enlighten me?


Well-Known Member
If you are going with autos I would get at least the 2 gallon containers if you plan on using nutes. If you are trying to go as much as possible with just plain watering then get at least the 5 gallon pots.